Slim adjustable setting

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by RockHolger, Feb 28, 2012.

  1. Sunflake

    Sunflake Well-Known Member

    Since you are new don't forget to try different blades. Merkur blades are according to most people not the best blade out there and for a middle of the road blade they are darn expensive. As always YMMV.
    If your interested in a great blade to try that aren't expensive try the Astra SP.
  2. stonyloam

    stonyloam Well-Known Member

    Being the impatient type, I started at 9 and went down to 6, wound up at 8, love it!
    CyanideMetal likes this.
  3. RockHolger

    RockHolger New Member

    I've already bought a sampler of nine different blades including Astra, and will very soon try one of those. Maybe it will be Astra. :)

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