Soap for shaving, with the maximum comfortable slip.

Discussion in 'Shave Soaps' started by AlDm, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. AlDm

    AlDm Well-Known Member

    Good afternoon, Gentlemen. Your opinion is very interesting. It will help me in choosing and buying soap for shaving. The main parameter that interests me is the slip of the blade over the shaving object. After reading a lot of reviews on the web, I stopped my attention on " Tabac" it seemed to me that this soap has a very good smell and good foam. Slip almost no reviews.
    What's your soap look on, has a good enough foam and a very light glide? All opinions are important and useful. Thank you.

    Добрый день, Джентльмены. Очень интересно ваше мнение. Оно мне поможет в выборе и покупке мыла для бритья. Основной парамерт, который меня интересует, это скольжение лезвия по объекту бритья. Прочитав много отзывов в сети, я остановил своё внимание на "Tabac" , как мне показалось, этоо мыло имеет очень хороший запах и хорошую пену. Про скольжению практически нет отзывов.
    Какое на, ваш, взгляд мыло, имеет достаточно хорошую пену и очень шорошее скольжение? Все мнения важны и полезны. Спасибо.
  2. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    Check out Mike's Natural Soap. I'm currently using a bar of his unscented shave soap, and I find it to perform very well.
    AlDm and RaZorBurn123 like this.
  3. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    AlDm, Ijustmissedthe50s and RyX like this.
  4. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    Tabac is an excellent soap, one of my favorites. It has great slickness too.
    Welcome to TSD.
    AlDm and RyX like this.
  5. RyX

    RyX DoH!

    Табак - это высококачественное мыло. Это дает хорошую ароматическую пенопласт с большим скольжением. Твердое мыло, вы получите много бритья из коробки.

    Tobacco is a high-quality soap. This gives a good aromatic foam with a large slip. Solid soap, you will get a lot of shaving from the box.
    AlDm likes this.
  6. PickledNorthern

    PickledNorthern Fabulous, the unicorn

    Tabac is a very slick soap.
    AlDm and RyX like this.
  7. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    My “slickest” soaps are:
    Mystic water
    Vintage AOS.
    AlDm likes this.
  8. Ksblazer

    Ksblazer Well-Known Member

    Stirling soap is my go to for slickness

    Also panna crema and Saponificio Varesino are very slick.
    AlDm likes this.
  9. RyX

    RyX DoH!

    @AlDm - Where are you living? Some of our members may know a product available near you. I assume Russia, but it's a big country.
    Jeff @Yehuda D may be our most international soap connoisseur. He might have some suggestions.
    AlDm likes this.
  10. AlDm

    AlDm Well-Known Member

    How much has responded! Respect to all! The proposed choice in favor of Tobacco is confirmed, and it will enter the coveted purchases. I have established myself in my choice.
    Stirling Soap, Mystic water, Mike’s , TSD soaps, recommended by the forum participants will be on the list of acquisitions.
    Your participation, and your positive feedback is very useful. I did not have to use shampoo soap. I use a shave cream Nivea. This is a good cream and I really like it. But this cream does not have a variety of flavors. Presence in a soap of a good aroma, helps to cheer up not only to yourself, but also to those around you.
    Как много откликнулось! Всем большой респект! Предполагаемый выбор в пользу Табак подтверждён, и он будет входить в желанные покупки. Я утвердился в своём выборе.
    Stirling Soap, Mystic water, Mike’s , TSD soaps, рекомендованные участниками форума, будут в списке приобретений.
    Ваше участие, и ваши положительные отзывы очень полезны. Мылом для бритья мне не приходилось пользоваться. Пользуюсь кремом для бритья Nivea. Это хороший крем и очень мне нравиться. Но у этого крема нет разнообразия ароматов. Наличие в мыле хорошего аромата, помогает поднять настроение не только себе, но и окружающим тебя.
    Ijustmissedthe50s and Ksblazer like this.
  11. AlDm

    AlDm Well-Known Member

    My place on the map, so you can navigate, is 300 miles south of Novosibirsk.

    Моё место на карте, чтобы вы могли ориентироваться, находиться 300 миль южнее Новосибирска.
  12. Ksblazer

    Ksblazer Well-Known Member

    Great choices to start out with AIDm

    I currently have Mystic Waters, Stirling & Mikes in my rotation. All are great performers. Have yet to try tsd. But hope to soon.
    AlDm likes this.

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