Well I tried...

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by IAmTheJody, Jun 4, 2011.

  1. IAmTheJody

    IAmTheJody Gillette-i Master Staff Member

    Been drooling over this for a week and I tried for it. I was winning.. for about 4 seconds. :rofl

    Congrats to whomever got this uber rare and very nice Gillette set. And glad it's over. Now I can sleep better. :happy102

  2. stingraysrock

    stingraysrock PIF'd away his custom title

    Unreal. Well now I sorta don't feel too bad about my drunk ebay win of a boatload of Kampfe lather catcher heads that I have no need for.
  3. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Man oh man, is that ever nice! Pretty as a picture.
  4. NoahG

    NoahG Member

    Goes to show why you should never, ever sail the 'Bay under the influence. Friends don't let friends bid drunk.

    That is an amazing set though. Its hard to believe that stuff like that exists outside of museums.

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