Pocket protectors with an assortment of mechanical pencils was for sissy nerds or nerd wanta-bes. True nerds carried their pocket slide rule in...
I'd like one, too. Any color will do. is there an official sign-up?
As a kid my dream car was the Austin Healy 3000. I'm not a sports car afficianado, but that little roadster seemed especially beautiful to...
welcome from SoCal
I've used a Tilly for many years. Started when I sailed south Florida and the Florida Keys in my 17' day-sailer (no sun protection in a...
I think the operative phrase here is risk mitgation. No one is suggesting following recommended practices would elimate risk. The concept is...
I assumed since you were using Proraso Red you tried their sandlewood aftershave. The scent is a little lighter than Sterling or others, but it's...
Sterling makes a very nice sandlewood AS splash.
Lagoon -- musky, peaty scent, like a lowland scotch with slight undertones of bullrush and cattail.
wow, they're really letting young whipper-snappers in these days... :taunt002:
Or maybe "The Libretto?"
Wonderful beginning. Look forward to the opera discussions
Do you use a brush with it? I've been following this thread on and off for some time and I'm about you give Barbasol a try.
Isn't the Taos a rebranded R89? Or at least the R89 head, much like an EJ?
Separate names with a comma.