Ease off - just for a few days - give your face time to recover before skinning it again. Not what you want to hear, I know but if shaving...
My SWMBO stands for no nonsense ;)
Good luck in finding an Oster 76 in 230V in the UK for anything like a sensible price - the 110V version (so need to buy a step down convertor as...
Well given they were labelled 0.5 & 1.5, I guess they're midway between guard free (0) & 1 & between 1 & 2 - the Wahl guard sets are readily...
I share your tonsorial situation (actually I've stabilised at "solar panel & large aperture early detector of rain") & when I did the research, I...
Sample pack - but my "go to" cheapie is the Gillette SuperThin (about 12-14c/blade when bought by the 100 from Asia - much nearer 5c/blade if...
Back in the day of cans & carts I thought I had sensitive skin... now I believe I'm "normal" (at least in skin resilience ;))
My 2c worth... according to the hype they'll whip your head off as you slide them out of the pack. In my experience they're just another razor...
How exactly are you applying it? As I understand the instructions: with wet hands, you mix a small amount between your palms, possibly adding...
I quit by switching brands to milder and milder cigarettes. Then stopped. When I really really really wanted a cigarette, I bought a 20 pack of...
Indeed they're not made in England any longer - the WS factory used to be on Bassington Industrial Estate, Cramlington, Northumberland... it...
I'm no expert, but I'm assuming you're male... how's the male pattern baldness in your family? I used to have hair drop out like that, and guess...
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