Hey good luck with your endevour, I picked Up a Dublduck in great condition at the nashville flea market. Another shaver was there the day before and hit the vendors hard. He must have missed the duck because it was way in the back. No luck on AS bottles.
Have you found any good finds of late? I've gotten a few razors off the bay, and traded for some. I've also just put an order in for a few oz of menth to kick up my shave creams a notch. I start barber school next month so I am looking forward to that alot. I have been offered a job over in Camden, TN. The only barber in town has retired after 40yrs. So all they have right now is beauty shops for the guys to get a trim, and none offer the straight razor shave. So I hope by the time I finish I'll still be the only one. Job security lol.