VERY nice PIF. Good on yer!
I AM LONO! ...and in, like everybody else. Who wouldn't want to be in on such a nice PIF? Thanks!
In please. I have long coveted an oscar11 brush (and do not have a Cashmere). Thanks for the opportunity.
Very nice PIF. Not in, though. <salute>
In, please. Very nice PIF. Thank you.
I'm in. I'm too sexy for a blind couch potato with low self esteem. Not a noob, but I do not have a Merkur. <sigh> And I thought I had conquered...
Good PIF. Not in, but... badger boar cream puck steely edge against the grain baby bottom smooth
I'm in. Oh, the variety! Very nice PIF. Thank you.
I noticed a new top shelf display in the shaving section at Kroger yesterday. Rather than go home and research (or fiddle with my phone in the...
So I was in Kroger on Sunday and saw a new offering on it's own little top shelf display. I bought a cream (and will post a short review under...
Not in, but please accept my gratuitous smarm and suck uppery for a very fine PIF. You, sir, are magnanimous at your core a a paragon of PIFfery...
Cool PIF. Always wondered about fountain pens (ever since ordering a knot from TGN, I guess). Another rabbit hole indeed. Count me in, please.
Mass is the total number of protons and neutrons that make up a thing. Weight is the resulting number after placing mass on a bathroom scale....
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