A few weeks ago I spotted this in the Dollar Tree as part of their store brand selection. A nice label, dark ambery orangish liquid , scent is a...
cool water face rinse x3 with massage barbasol preshave massaged into a light lather 3 use generic single blade disposable 3 passes cool water...
I've had a bottle for years, used rarely. By its name you would think it would be a Drakkar type fragrance. Instead it is a sweet fruity scent...
I like using a dark rum. Last batch I used Castillo Spiced Rum,it has a vanilla back note.
To me it does have some semblance to Lucky Tiger Aspen in scent, however Aspen is a little stronger but disappears fairly quickly. Blue Spice...
Cool water wash Nox massaged in frankencream Dollar Shave Club and Bolero eucalyptus charcoal no name shavette w/fresh Crown stainless blade 2...
The only thing I have noticed in Nox and it's clones is that one brand and I cannot remember which one had omitted the phenol from the...
Just a note:I pulled out my old no name shavette and compared it to this one. The beauticone has twice as much blade exposure. Adjust your...
You can use it as a preshave .Spread on just enough to color the skin. I use it after washing my face with plain old water ,apply it to the wet...
cool water face wash Arlo's 3 in 1 lotion Beauticone w/a 1 use crown stainless 2 passes 1 contour,1 diagonal Arlo's residue rubbed in showered...
"Uneasy is the head that uses the Crown......" a quote attributed to either Shakespeare or Urrlord historical provenance is uncertain.
Now that I think about it maybe the blades have a coating on them. Causing drag until it wears off and then you get a couple of good shaves out of...
100 Crown Stainless half blades. reason- they came with the Beauticone Rosewood Shavette I purchased. So far they appear to be an odd 4 use blade....
Warm water face wash and rub Nox rub as a preshave Yushu cream applied once and let it sit a few minutes and then reapplied,nice and light...
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