30 Day Rule/Focus; May 2024. All Are Welcome!

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by Trigger, Apr 30, 2024.

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  1. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Wonderful face lather shave Barry.
    Trigger, palmolive fox and brit like this.
  2. palmolive fox

    palmolive fox The British Birdman

    Thank you Joe. Enjoy your Sunday, and have a great coming week.
    Trigger, JACarbone and brit like this.
  3. palmolive fox

    palmolive fox The British Birdman

    Thank you Joe.
    Trigger, JACarbone and brit like this.
  4. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Triple thanks Joe.
    JACarbone and brit like this.
  5. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Well done Chris
    brit and Trigger like this.
  6. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Deja vù shave. Excellent Gary.
    brit and Trigger like this.
  7. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Very nice Arko shave John.
  8. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Thank you Joe
    palmolive fox, brit and Trigger like this.
  9. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    I think Joe @JACarbone needs an extra cup of Joe.
  10. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Thank you Gary.
    palmolive fox, brit and Trigger like this.
  11. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    Terrific pic and shave Gary.
    palmolive fox, brit and JACarbone like this.
  12. JACarbone

    JACarbone The Oud Dude

    Oops! More coffee please
  13. brit

    brit in a box

    thank you Joe.:):eatdrink047:
    JACarbone and Trigger like this.
  14. brit

    brit in a box

    thank you Joe.:):eatdrink047:
    JACarbone and Trigger like this.
  15. ischiapp

    ischiapp New Product Bloodhound


  16. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    Thanks John. I appreciate your kind words.

    Yes, the volunteer work at the hospital has been a lifeline for me and Kathy. Most of my time volunteering these days is in the NICU. I absolutely love it. It is a constant reminder that life is precious and relationships (with God first, then with others) are ultimately all that matters.

    Our friend, Caleb, and his Mom have become dear friends, as well as an inspiration, over the last several years. I admire guys like Caleb who "get it" so early in life. It has taken (and still takes) me much longer to figure things out. :)

    I'm gonna get a few more shaves in with the B-P. I'm hearing rumors of ice cream on the meetup buffet line, so I want to sit real close to the soft serve machine.

    Have a great week, John, and think about taking the B-P for a spin.
    JACarbone, ChrisB, brit and 2 others like this.
  17. wristwatchb

    wristwatchb wristwatch "danger" b

    Thanks Joe.

    I have much to learn from you regarding physical fitness. You are another inspiration to me, my friend.
  18. Trigger

    Trigger Double Jedi Knight

    May 5 SOTA

    Good afternoon.

    Schick E-3 Injector
    Ted Pella Injector Blade (8)
    Stirling Boar Brush
    Angora Soaps Midnight Lavender SS and AS
    Stirling Alum Block
    Personal Care Witch Hazel
    Beard Growth: 24 hrs.


    Did a 3 passer for a close, comfortable shave. I think the blade may have just 2 more shaves until I bin it. We will see.
    There wasn't any major blood appearing so that's always a good thing.
    Angora Soaps always performs well. Here's my lather:


    Alum gave me some feedback on the neck and that was it. Finished the shave in my usual manner. Take care.
  19. Screwtape

    Screwtape A Shaving Butterfly

    Thanks, Gary!
    JACarbone and brit like this.
  20. Screwtape

    Screwtape A Shaving Butterfly

    Thanks, Joe.

    Arko is one of the cheaper commercial soaps out there and its industrial lemony smell is certainly nothing to write home about, but it lathers very easily and always just plain works. Which, when all is said and done, is really all you need in a shave soap. Exotic intricate scents and fancy skin conditioning ingredients may add to the pleasure of the shaving ritual; they don't help remove the whiskers. (Says the guy with three scents of Martin de Candre shave soap and dozens of other "luxury brand" soaps and creams in his stash... )
    Last edited: May 5, 2024
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