A Lawyer Dies and Goes to Heaven

Discussion in 'Clean Jokes' started by Smedley, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. Smedley

    Smedley New Member

    A lawyer dies and goes to heaven.

    He is surprised by what he sees. Saint Peter is there with all the archangels at his side. Behind them are all the angels. Behind them are all the cherubim and sepharim. All are singing "Alleluia, Alleluia".

    "My goodness!" the lawyer says. "I never expected such a reception!"

    "Well," St. Peter says, "we don't get a lot of 127 year old people up here."

    "127?" says the lawyer. "I was 68 when I died."

    St. Peter bends over and consults his record book. He flips back and forth through the pages, his forehead furrowed in concentration. Then his face clears, and he looks up to the lawyer.

    "I see my mistake," he says. "I made my totals based on your billing hours."

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