A possible raffle ....DONE....

Discussion in 'Freebies' started by jimjo1031, Jun 3, 2016.

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  1. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    so far liking the spearmint with matching PSO. also I like spearmint gum and candy, also a favorite in my e-cigs
  2. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    can't find a barbershop oil
    ob1page likes this.
  3. ob1page

    ob1page Frozen in Phoenix

    I haven't found one either locally but I have found them online. Not being able to smell them obviously has a downside as a barbershop scent can differ from person to person. I might just order a few from different suppliers to see if I can find a good one.
  4. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    I say stick with the glycerin for a while, it really lathered well and was extremely slick. Being that it's summertime, possibly something with menthol?
    jimjo1031 and ob1page like this.
  5. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    some of the slickness is also from Bentonite Clay (cosmetic clay). it's what's added for shaving soap.
  6. dangermouse

    dangermouse Well-Known Member

    image.jpeg It's soap Jim, but not as we know it.

    This is my review of soap and pre-shave oil kindly sent across the big pond, to me, after winning this PIF. I think we sometimes take for granted the ease with which parcels are posted around the world, but I still get a definite thrill from receiving a hand posted letter or package from another country. It puts me in mind of my childhood. Thanks Jim.

    The first thing to note, when opening the box is the orange fragrance; it smells lovely and I think it will match up very well with my Lucky Tiger AS.

    Shave 1 (using just the soap).

    The soap lathered up very well, using my synthetic brush. I loaded the brush and face lathered; there was plenty for three passes, rinsing after each pass. When shaving, I found the soap to be very slick. I think it is the easiest, smoothest shave I have ever had. After three passes, I rinsed and rubbed my hand over my chin and it slipped off ;) of course I'm exaggerating, but I washed my face with normal soap to ease that slipperiness. I've been struggling with oily skin, particularly about three hours after shaving. There was just no issues with this soap at all. I kept stroking my chin. Lovely.

    Shave 2 (using the pre-shave oil and soap)

    I was dubious about the oil, because of my skin, so I used cold water, hoping the oil would stay on my face rather than soak into it. I'm not sure that worked. I thought the oil diminished some of the slickness that was immediately obvious in the first shave. I still had a great shave, but it wasn't as slick through all three passes. After the shave my skin was less slick, but still felt great and there were no issues at all with oily skin. It was a great shave and I bowl lathered on this one.

    Shave 3 (using the pre-shave soap and Tabac shaving soap)

    Just an experiment really. Tabac makes my face feel oily, as mentioned. Tonight after using the PSO, there is no oily feeling a few hours after shaving. Result! Although, I'm not sure why this happened.

    I do think the soap on it's own would make a terrific pre shave, it reminded me a little of the Musgo pre shave soap.

    There is only one downside. This soap tastes really horrible! Oh, I popped the soap in an old Proraso container, did you know they stack? If anyone has another, I'd love it.
    jimjo1031, Robyflexx and Pilotcld like this.
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