A very interesting website

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by DesertTime, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. DesertTime

    DesertTime Well-Known Member

    My son pointed me to this very interesting website (nothing to do with shaving). I suspect a lot of folks here would enjoy it:

  2. PS27

    PS27 Member

    That is remarkable. What technology can do, sheeesh! Ages ago I would have never dreamed I would personally own a copy of "Citizen Kane" or "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" or "The Battleship Potemkin" --- or read JD Salinger's off-handed review of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" or Lewis Carroll's witty apology for walking off with someone's train tickets. Great! That site will take some relaxed browsing.
  3. DesertTime

    DesertTime Well-Known Member

    I get lost in this site, reading letters from Einstein, Kerouac, Tesla, Tennessee Williams, Brando and countless others.

    Glad you're enjoying it.
  4. moviemaniac

    moviemaniac Tool Time

    Thanks for the very interesting link!

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