This thread is for users and admirers of the iconic shave cream we call Barbasol. An all American favorite, and a staple in my shave inventory. I used Barbasol for most of June, and will do so again this month! Pacific Rush is my favorite.
While Rise has been, is, and will always be my #1, I have always been very pleased with Barbasol. It's fun to watch its history, and its new home in Ashland, OH("Made In America series-narrated by John "Cliff Clavin" Ratzenberger). Now there is a PGA tournament named for it!!! We are indeed approaching the 100th birthday for this great shave cream(3 years to go). . I'd love to see some of the newer ones sent to drugstores, be sold(e.g..."Mountain Scent). Proud Member of the Barbasol Brotherhood
I have about a half-can of Original and a full can of Aloe, the only canned stuff I'll use. Nice for a day when I'm short on time.
Barbasol is the only canned cream that doesn't dry me out. Love the stuff, slick and thick. Currently enjoying Arctic Chill. Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
Love me some Original Barbasol. If not for the contents, then at least for the iconic design of the can. Really enjoy Barbasol whipped with some water. Makes for a very nice lather, especially for the price paid in the US.
Where do you find the different Barbasols? The only ones I see in stores are original and aloe, and maybe menthol IIRC?
Walmart and drug stores primarily. Or just online. My Walmart has all the variants except for the yellow can
Barbasol Independence Day Shave 4 July 2016 All-American Lineup 1959 Gillette 195 Adjustable - aka "Fatboy" Vintage Gillette Platinum Plus Barbasol Arctic Chill Mennen Skin Bracer Happy Independence Day!
I was at a toss up this morning between Barbasol AC and Stirling MITA. The MITA won me over this time
I use Barbasol at least once a week sometimes more right now I only have the Original and the Pacific Rush. Long Live The Barbasol Brotherhood!!!
Barbasol is the only canned shaving cream I ever use. I stopped using Gillette foamy back in the '80's when they jacked up the price. It was my way is sticking it to the man!
It used to be about 10 to 20 cents more than Barbasol. I was okay with that. When foamy prices were raised and the difference was around 50 cents, I jumped ship.