Here you have the facts of the stamps MK, BK etc. it’s in Swedish though. Quite easy to understand if you ask me Skickat från min iPhone med Tapatalk
Scott, put it into Google translate. Will not be the best translation but you get the context. Problem with small languages like Swedish that they don’t put that much effort to get it right. Skickat från min iPhone med Tapatalk
Afternoon spent modifying a George Wostenholm & Sons… I liked the original shape but it had a crack about a quarter of the way up from the heel. Thought I could start a big sweeping notch that had some flare towards the edge with a small indent at the toe to match: I would need the remove the shoulder to make it work. Fun afternoon: and Enjoy your projects. Tom
Thank you Scott. I am debating a scale change to better suit the new look… maybe something transparent to show off the shape.