And yet another, In case you missed it...... Birds and the bees.... It's all relative. Happiness is. DIY. Genetics. DoorDash? Night school. Your COVID test is negative. I can drive you there, dear. tp
And yet.... Another... In case you missed it! Here kitty, kitty, kitty... Well.... You've been selected to fill out.... Acrophobia. Being of sound body and mind.... Not so... tp
Merry Christmas... Pardoned! Fly me to the moon... LOL... J.D. Green.. Like it's 1999... Wrabbit season, Duck season.... Dear Santa.... tp
Regarding the pilot on the ipad... My joke use to be the pilot of the plane is now outsourced to a guy in India thinking he's playing flight simulator!
As this is New Year's Day, time to do my New Year's Day joke again: The scene is Times Square right after the ball hit ground. The announcer is moving around, trying to get people's New Year's resolutions: "Here's a decent looking guy-hey you any resoLUTIONS(haaah, long kung breath)" Decent looking guy-"Thank you for asking. Y'know, I'd like to see everyone in the world be at peace with themselves and with each other. Peace is a great thing to accomplish. What a world this would be if we all treated each other as we would want to be treated. And another thing......" Announcer-"Just say 'lose weight' will ya? I only have 10 seconds". Decent-loking guy-ME LOSE WEIGHT ?Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately, BUDDEH?". Happy New Year to you and yours. "