For everyone who likes citrus products, lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, you know what I mean. I thought why not have Citrus Sundays, besides it kinda sounds better then Citrus Saturdays. It can also be a cross over for menthol lovers as many citrus products also come mentholated. And I just made up a batch of Orange After Shave to go along with my Orange PSO, Orange Soap and Orange Scented Witch Hazel.
Excellent idea ... I'll pull out a citrus soap this morning! Probably TFS Linea Intenso Bergamotto Neroli. Edit: I did indeed. Lathered it with an Edwin Jagger Silvertip Fibre brush. Great combination.
'Citrus Sunday', sounds good. In my house, there is 'Fat Friday'; 'Sandalwood Saturday'; 'Menthol Monday'; 'Tabac Tuesday' and Palmolive any day I need to get out more!
So, for the first citrus Sunday, I used my Stirling glacial lemon chill. It's a fantastic soap, with a great lather and slickness. The amount of menthol in this soap will cool you off even on the hottest of days. Did I mention the scent? Lemon, lemon and more lemon! If you want citrus, this soap is it!
Today I started Citrus Sunday with my Gillette New Short Comb head on a SS handle, with a Voskhod blade along with an FS badger brush. Used my orange PSO and orange soap, followed with an orange witch hazel and my orange freeze AS. It was a nice BBS shave and with the added menthol in the after shave, my face felt great........
I try really hard not to shave on Sundays & I like menthol Monday's so in order not to miss out, I got some of this... It will WAKE YOU UP on a Monday morning, and if you are not careful might even bring a tear to your eye. Great stuff.
I got a combo of the soap and aftershave. The soap is not nearly as "mentholy" as the aftershave. I may try a combo of orange chill soap with lemon aftershave this Monday.
Gillette Slim on #5, Voskhod Blade, Synthetic Brush, Orange PSO, Orange Soap, Orange Witch Hazel and Orange Menthol AS. Smooth and comfortable shave today..............
Today's shave was my 1958 fat boy and RazoRock Essential Oil of Lime. Not bad, nice soap, but the scent fades quickly. Herm
SOTD August 7th Ikon X3 Slant GSB(3) IB Amici Satin Tip The Purest Homemade Tangerine AS The awesome grapefruit goodness of Amici and the sweet tangerine AS! Sent from my Galaxy S6 using Tapatalk
Nice BBS shave with the Gillette Super Speed, Ladas blade, "GW" Synthetic Brush, Orange PSO, Orange Menthol soap and Orange Menthol AS.
Im more of a lime guy. I like their margaritas in the artic and gin and tonic soaps. Iced pineapple is very nice too
Citrus Sunday for August 21. TSD Yin Yang is a lime and lavender scent. Citrusy, but with a twist in the lavender addition. Really nice stuff.