Citrus Sundays

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by jimjo1031, Jul 26, 2016.

  1. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    I bought it off of @Herm2502. It came with a Maggard OC head, Gillette old style type. DE89's are usually too mild for me, but with this heavy handle it works out better.
  2. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    -DE89/Custom Heavy Handle
    -Personna Lab Blue Blade
    -Frank Shaving Boar Brush
    -Love My Skin Lemongrass &
    Frankincense & Myrrh Soap
    -Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    -Pinaud Clubman After Shave

    brit, picturerock, crackstar and 2 others like this.
  3. RaZorBurn123

    RaZorBurn123 waiting hardily...............

    I like this idea. *make mental note*
  4. RaZorBurn123

    RaZorBurn123 waiting hardily...............

    February 12, 2017
    Prep: Hot Shower.
    Razor: Oristo Stealth
    Blade: Personna Lab Blue
    Lather: Old Spice Lime
    Brush: ThatDarnRob (Tusk) w/Tuxedo Knot
    Post: Thayers Lemon WH.
    Aftershave: TOBS No. 74 Victorian Lime
    Cologne: DUA Fragrances Poseidon's Elixir
    Fantastic Citrus Sunday shave. Old Spice Lime isn't that strong in scent but it sure does lather great! Very slick and cushiony. TOBS No 74 is great! DUA Poseidons Elixir is inspired by Creed Aventus, great stuff!
    brit, picturerock, crackstar and 2 others like this.
  5. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    -Gillette Flair Tip (B1) Razor
    -Personna Lab Blue Blade
    -Maggard 22mm Synthetic/
    My Handle Brush
    -My Orange Menthol Soap
    -Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    -Pinaud Clubman After Shave

    A great shave with the Flair Tip and Lab Blue. A very smooth three pass BBS shave

    brit, picturerock, crackstar and 2 others like this.
  6. Col C

    Col C Well-Known Member

    Normally I don't shave on Sundays - however Citrus Sunday gave me an opportunity to try out my Fatboy again. I just received my Gillette Fatboy a couple days ago. 1961 G1 Fatboy with a Ladas blade on setting number 5. Omega Professional Boar brush, Captain's Choice bowl, Taylor of Old Bond Street Grapefruit shaving cream, followed by Nivea Post Shave Balm (dry here today) and finished with a splash of Fine L'Orange Noir. 3 passes and a very close smooth shave.
    Feb Citrus Sunday.jpg
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2017
    brit, picturerock, crackstar and 3 others like this.
  7. RaZorBurn123

    RaZorBurn123 waiting hardily...............

    Solid shave! I love TOBS Grapefruit and Fine L'Orange Noir.
    brit, picturerock and crackstar like this.
  8. RaZorBurn123

    RaZorBurn123 waiting hardily...............

    Nicely done!
    brit, crackstar and jimjo1031 like this.
  9. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    Thank you.
    brit, crackstar and RaZorBurn123 like this.
  10. RaZorBurn123

    RaZorBurn123 waiting hardily...............

    February 19, 2017
    Prep: Hot Shower.
    Razor: RazoRock Baby Smooth
    Blade: Personna Lab Blue
    Lather: KSWorx Limelight
    Brush: Oscar11 Rootbeer/Black 28mm Silvertip
    Post: Thayers Rose WH.
    Aftershave: Stirling Lime
    Great shave!
    brit, picturerock, blondblue and 4 others like this.
  11. Col C

    Col C Well-Known Member

    Looks like my normal week of shaving is not going to be normal this coming week. I normally shave three times a week but with several "social" engagements I will be shaving almost everyday. So I decided why not start today by joining you guys with Citrus Sunday. Used a soap I that has not been in my rotation for some time - Art of Shaving Lemon. It actually has a very nice lemony scent but it is not as slick a soap as I like. I bought a puck because of the scent. Ran it through the cheese grater and pressed it into a 1 cup Pyrex glass storage container. However, it does make a very nice lather. Did a bowl lather. Used my new (old) 1961 G1 Fatboy with a Voskhod blade, an Omega Hi-Brush synthetic and ended with Nivea Post Shave Balm and a splash of Fine L'Orange Noir. Off and running for a full week's worth of shaving.
    Citrus Sunday Feb 19.jpg
  12. Enrico

    Enrico Popcorn

    Well I just saw this too late for to day; maybe next Sunday. Lime's my favorite!

    Pinaud Lime Sec
    Pinaud Lime Musk
    Avon Island Lime
  13. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    Gillette Bostonian (Canada) Razor
    Voskhod Blade
    Made Rite 15 Boar Brush
    My Orange Menthol Soap
    Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Pinaud Clubman After Shave

    My fifth and final shave with this blade for two passes and some touch up and still it produced a very nice BBS shave.

    unspecified (1).jpg
    brit, picturerock, Sparrow and 2 others like this.
  14. Enrico

    Enrico Popcorn

    Gillette Fusion (explication will follow for my most heinous act)
    Hardright Davy Jones 22mm Synthetic brush
    Stirling Island Man soap
    Blue Steel AS (50/50 AV and Florida Water)
    Simpson ASB

    I was assisting my lovely wife with her professional education (Home Health Aid) by letting her shave me. I love her dearly, but I'm not unhinged enough to let her shave me with a DE razor. I let her shave me once a week to give her practice. :scared011:
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2017
  15. RaZorBurn123

    RaZorBurn123 waiting hardily...............

    March 5, 2017
    Prep: Hot Shower.
    Razor: Gillette Fatboy 1961 G1
    Blade: Gillette 7 o'clock Black
    Lather: Stirling Coconut Lime
    Brush: ThatDarnRob (Tusk) Tuxedo
    Post: Thayers Rose WH.
    Aftershave: Stirling Coconut Lime
    Fantastic shave this morning, coconut lime is a great combination.
    Never let the things you WANT
    Make you forget the things you HAVE
    picturerock, Sparrow and jimjo1031 like this.
  16. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    -Gillette Black Tip Superspeed (X2)
    -Israeli Personna SS Blade
    -Frank Shaving Boar Brush
    -Love My Skin Lemon Sugar &
    Frankincense & Myrrh Soap
    -Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    -Pinaud Clubman After Shave

    Linuxguile and RaZorBurn123 like this.
  17. Edmundblum

    Edmundblum New Member

    Looks perfect !
  18. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    --Gillette WW II Tech Razor
    --Personna Lab Blue Blade
    --GW 26mm Synthetic Brush
    --Love My Skin Lemongrass &
    Frankincense & Myrrh Soap
    --Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    --Pinaud Clubman After Shave

    picturerock and Linuxguile like this.
  19. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    Gillette Fatboy (G3) Razor
    Israeli Personna SS Blade
    GW 26mm Synthetic Brush
    My Orange Menthol Soap
    Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Pinaud Clubman After Shave

    unspecified (3).jpg
    picturerock, dees77 and Linuxguile like this.
  20. jimjo1031

    jimjo1031 never bloomed myself

    Gillette Flair Tip (B1) Razor
    Personna Lab Blue Blade
    Frank Shaving Boar Brush
    My Orange Menthol Soap
    Dickinson's Witch Hazel
    Pinaud Clubman After Shave


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