Clubman Users.....

Discussion in 'Preshave and Aftershave' started by poppi, May 26, 2019.

  1. Trandy

    Trandy New Member

    The original is the best far.

    I also have the's just "OK"....too much of an alcohol aroma...what vanilla scent is there is nice...but it's too faint.
    Paul Turner likes this.
  2. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    Cognac Neat is on my list, on the new line.
  3. ischiapp

    ischiapp New Product Bloodhound

    Today at 7:00 a good splash of Lilac.
    And It's still there ...
    BigD and Droo78 like this.
  4. MntnMan62

    MntnMan62 Well-Known Member

    Pew. That stuff'll chase a skunk away and make it realize that it's stench isn't the worst around.
    Dave in KY likes this.
  5. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    Do you feel that way about ALL Clubmen?
  6. MntnMan62

    MntnMan62 Well-Known Member

    Heck no. The original Pinaud Clubman is my all time favorite. Great stuff. The Veg smells like dog pee or cat pee. Take your pick. My wife won't let me "go out like that". Yuck.
    Dave in KY and Paul Turner like this.
  7. ChiefShaver

    ChiefShaver Well-Known Member

    Sorry for that maybe stupid question...

    Is there a difference between the Pinaud Clubman Country Club and the "regular" Pinaud Clubman?

    I think of buying the Country Club, but if the scents are similar or almost identical, it would not make any sense...

    Paul Turner likes this.
  8. Dave in KY

    Dave in KY On second thought, Buttercup

    In no particular order:

    Citrus Musk
    Whiskey Woods
    Gents Gin
    Brandy Spice
    ischiapp likes this.

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