Despite the joke about the dishwasher, that pan has a bunch of crap built up on the outside. If I had to guess, the inside is equally as bad. The owner of the pan did a crappy job caring for it and it should be nuked and re seasoned...
We've been using an induction cooktop for about 5 years with SS and CI and have no more scratches than the day we started using it.
The owner would probably be fine with a stern talking too.... but the pan needs more than a slap upside the head.
After an hour or so of watching reworking/reseasoning videos of CI on YouTube, I think I'm going to give one of ours a whirl. I'll document with pics along the way. Gonna sand down the inside to damn near mirror finish and reseason. YouTube comments are like a vile illness and range from the best thing one has ever done to CI all the way to the person who does that to CI must have had a lobotomy gone wrong and from their near vegetative state thought it was a good idea to ruin functional CI. I'll take one for the team and let y'all know how the post lobotomy work goes.
I did that a Lodge 10" skillet a couple years ago. I didn't bother stripping the seasoning since I was sanding it anyway. I used a palm sander and then a sanding disc on my drill. I didn't get crazy and spend hours trying to make it perfect, just considerably better. I had to season a few times as it wasn't sticking to the surface at first. After I got a good seasoning on it, it cooked well. I am not sure I would be able to tell the difference in how it cooked, but it was a fun project.
I’ve used a bead blaster in the past when I had access to one. I’ve also had good results in a self cleaning oven. Currently my only CI is two Staub ceramic coated Dutch ovens. The stuff that I worry about the seasoning of are my carbon steel pieces.
I had never even heard of Dutch babies until reading through this thread. I found a low carb recipe so I decided to have a go at it. The recipe did state it wouldn't climb the sides of the pan and I don't know how this compares to the real thing but it was pretty darn tasty. Served with sugar free syrup and sausages. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
That definitely looks more like a Johnny cake or cornbread. See Sara's picture above for the real thing.
Yeah, I'll give the real thing a try when I decide to have a cheat day. It was still pretty darn good. Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
Ok, contrary to my refinishing post, I forgot to get a picture before I started refinishing and then I didn't want to touch anything afterward because grinding off all that black is perhaps one of the dirtiest things I've ever attempted...I was covered. I had a respirator on and still have black coming out of my nostrils. Maybe if I'd have opted with the chuck bits with the scouring abrasive for my drill it'd have been friendlier. <--pro tip in hindsight for anyone who may want to attempt this. I have it in the oven seasoning right now and will grab a picture once that is done. I am not super pleased with it because my skill with ye olde angle grinder aren't what I imagined them to be and I have several marks that were just too deep to remove with the orbital sander. They are all smooth though so it shouldn't affect cooking performance, hopefully. Edit: here's a pic. I'm going to toss some bacon in there in a bit and see how she does then likely wipe it down and toss it back in the oven for another hour at 350*.
We've reheated some pizza and cooked a lb of bacon so far and nothing but perfection. I'm not ready to tell eberyone to go do this and I used our least used pan for a reason, but it seems to have improved things but has certainly not caused detriment.
If you do it again, oven cleaner first, then follow up with a tiger paw (flap sander disk). Fast and easy, less likely to gouge into the pan too.
I love slivered almonds, mixed with rice or green beans (or both). The only thing better is toasted almonds. So I toasted a batch in my 12” pan. Came out yummy. But if you want to do this, you have to stir constantly and keep a careful eye on them, so they don’t burn.