Today I used for the first time a Tollow Soap. I was expecting much worst, not so bad considering that was the first time Using Wizamet, First time with Alcoholic AF. Soap lathered fast and a lot. Very good Feeling
Tallow soaps are nice, not sure why you would expect they wouldn't be. It's taken years for veg based soaps to match them. The Wizamets are nice too, though I probably wouldn't pair that sharp a blade with a Blackbird. Too sharp a combo for my face. I would with a Blackbird Lite. Which one is that? The OG or the Lite?
It is the Standard Blackbird. Wizamet are Probably a bit too sharp for this razor, but not bad at all. I was not skeptic about a tallow, more about my capacity to lathe it. It all impressed me.
You were absolutely right, I woke up today with many little cuts in my face, didn't see them yesterday. I guess wizamet is too sharp for the Blackbird! I will try tomorrow with a Bolzano or a Bluebird Revenge (my favorite).
Don't be callow, or shallow, Or look sad or sallow, For the best lather, Always reach for tallow. IMO, it's hard to beat Stirling Ozark Mountain.