Haven't even thought about it. Probably have to wait until my follow up with my doctor after my MRI. See what he says. Forgot, actually two MRI's, neck and lower back on the same day.
Just got back from having a couple of MRIs on my lower back and neck. Moving around better, but still painful when doing so. I get a lot of my pain from standing up without much movement, especially when shaving and cooking. But what bothers me the most is when I'm sitting on the couch, my rear end hurts. I have to constantly move around when sitting and laying down at times. Overall, my pain is getting less, so I'll see what happens when I have my follow up.
Starting to re-organize my stuff, as they were put in different boxes, to start catching up on some projects. Hopefully I can get what I have here done soon. Also, just want to say thanks for members on here for being patient until I move around better.
I feel your pain, mate! I had a hernia in the lower back some 26 years ago. Waiting for the surgery I did bivoiac on the couch for over a month. But the surgery worked like a charm and since I am mostly pain free. Unless I lift too much. I sure hope you will be pain free soon. Hang in there, mate!