Futur alternatives?

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by BigMike, May 20, 2024.

  1. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    After trying many razors I found that I liked the Merkur Futur far better than any others. In particular, I think it's the Futur's wide blade gap that I like. Unfortunately, the razors never seemed to last more than a year or so before the plating would flake and peel. Eventually, I stopped throwing good money away on the genuine articles and switched to the much lower priced QShave clones. I was happy to find the QShaves to be equal to the Futurs in all respects except cost.

    My paradigm for the last few years had been to spend $20 a year on a QShave and throw it away a year later when coating fails. From an economic perspective, it's a hard system to beat.

    Still, I wish I could find a razor that matched the Futur / clone gap agressiveness, but in a long lasting build.

    Any suggestions for a razor with a wide blade gap and high quality build and materials? It doesn't have to look like a Futur, it just has to shave like one.
    Enrico likes this.
  2. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    Gillette Red Tip.
    chazt and BigMike like this.
  3. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    Odd. I've had my Merkur Futur for about 14 years. Plating is still like new.
    Yep, in the rotation, so it gets used. Never disappointed when it comes 'round. Never a bad shave.
    Tdmsu and BigMike like this.
  4. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    Interesting recommendation.
    I read that the blade gap on the Red Tip is just 0.65mm.
    Data on the Futur indicates it adjusts from 1.1mm to 1.6mm.
    Elaborate on what you like about the Red Tip.
  5. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    That is odd. I've always assumed the razors are just cheaply made (which they are). But maybe it's the Los Angeles water? Or my corrosive disposition?
  6. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    It's on the low end of aggressive, it is well made, they can be had for a cheap price, and they can be replated. The replating can be in nickel, silver, gold, rhodium, or black chrome. They are made of brass, so they will not rust or corrode.
    As for the blade gap, it all depends on the position of the blade, not necessarily the gap in a razor.
    wristwatchb, BigMike and chazt like this.
  7. John Beeman

    John Beeman Little chicken in hot water

    Your water might be part of it. I've had a QShave for a few years now with no serious plating issues.
    I have several razors so it doesn't get daily use and maybe that makes a difference.
    My water is hard and rusty so I rinse/wipe/dry razors and keep desiccant packs in my storage area.
    BigMike and Tdmsu like this.
  8. jaro

    jaro the dread and the fear

    I just looked online at blade gaps and it looks like the Merkur Progress has that same blade gap ability ( I dont know for sure since I don't have one ) I hope to get one to try one day as it's one I really want to get..... Good luck finding a razor that works for you....
  9. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    Agreed, for all the reasons @DaltonGang states. For a number of years, Red Tip(s) were my daily driver(s). There was a very slight learning curve, but once mastered, the shaves with a Red Tip are sublime. The shave geometry, overall weight and ergonomic grooviness of Red Tips contribute to what are possibly some of the most excellent shaves I’ve ever experienced. It’s been too long since I’ve fired up a RT. Next on deck, baby! (Oh, also imo and fwiw, Red Tips shave quite similarly to an Aristocrat - - ok, after the Red Tip, I’m breaking out the ‘crat :D)
    Last edited: May 23, 2024
  10. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    I used a many Progress years ago, just before I first switched to the Futur. I thought it was OK. But back then I was using Merkur blades, which I think most of us would say are not very good. Maybe I'll throw an Astra SP in there and give it a go.
    chazt likes this.
  11. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    Construction certainty sounds right. I'll keep my eyes out for one.
    chazt and DaltonGang like this.
  12. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    See, now I've always wanted to try an Arostocrat, one with Rhodium plating. Dang it, now I'm going to have to start saving for one.
    chazt likes this.
  13. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    I absolutely love the look and feel of a good Aristocrat. Now, if you decide to go that route, Gold, or Rhodium? Open Comb or Solid Bar?

    BigMike and chazt like this.
  14. galhatz

    galhatz Member

    I have a Merkur Futur and yes, the plate work is iffy.
    I think the Parker Variant, closed and open comb versions, are terrific razors in design and manufacturing quality. I actually prefer that design to the futur, and you can get plenty of blade gap if you want there.
    BigMike and Herm2502 like this.
  15. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    @BigMike , have you looked at a Fatboy or other Gillette adjustable? Last I looked they could be had for~$50 in pretty good condition.
    Herm2502 likes this.
  16. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    Oops… my next shave will be with a Red Tip. I was so excited about the forthcoming redesigned Sabre, I just instinctively reached for my trusty ol’ Bullet Tip this morning. Red Tip, Bullet Tip… what is, “when is a Tip not a Tip?” Hey, @BigMike , maybe you oughta try one of these babies! Efficient and smooth :happy088:
    elektrotasil and BigMike like this.
  17. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    I see you got a GEM. Funny, I have that same model and just brought it out from the back of the drawer where it's been hiding for a couple of years. It's a pretty good shave.
    chazt likes this.
  18. BigMike

    BigMike Well-Known Member

    I've been looking at the Pearl Flexi. Brass with chrome over nickle. I'll give a report if I pull the trigger on it.
    Last edited: May 24, 2024
    elektrotasil and chazt like this.
  19. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    Yep. The Bullet Tip is my favorite Gem razor. Flat to the face, slow and steady. I don’t reach for Gems too often, but when I do, excellent results result.
  20. BBS

    BBS Well-Known Member

    The Heritage Shaving Gibbs are pretty good adjustables. The aren't as good as an original Gibbs but they are very close to one more so than anything else on the market that I know of. Price is good on them also being in the sub $100 USD range, only issue is catching them when they have the razors in stock.
    BigMike and chazt like this.

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