
Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by brit, Jun 16, 2021.

  1. stuartganis

    stuartganis Well-Known Member

    Gillette Red Tip / Ladas blade [​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-T387V using Tapatalk
    Jayaruh and brit like this.
  2. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    Menthol Monday's Cold Water Shave

    Cold Water Rinse
    Virgilio Valobra Shaving Soap
    Jayaruh #458 Synthetic
    Gillette Goodwill Razor
    PolSilver DE Blade
    Cold Water Rinse
    Humphrey's Witch Hazel
    Mennen Skin Bracer AS

    The Virgilio Valobra Shaving Soap lathered well with Jayaruh #458 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Gillette Goodwill Razor razor and the PolSilver DE Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Humphrey's Witch Hazel and Mennen Skin Bracer After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
    stuartganis and brit like this.
  3. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    Tabac Tuesday's Cold Water Shave

    Cold Water Rinse
    Tabac Shave Soap
    Jayaruh #458 Synthetic
    Gillette Goodwill Razor
    PolSilver DE Blade
    Cold Water Rinse
    Humphrey's Witch Hazel
    Tabac After Shave

    The Tabac Shave Soap lathered well with Jayaruh #458 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Gillette Goodwill Razor razor and the PolSilver DE Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Humphrey's Witch Hazel and Tabac After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
    stuartganis and brit like this.
  4. Jayaruh

    Jayaruh The Cackalacky House Pet

    Supporting Vendor
    Williams Wednesday's Cold Water Shave

    Cold Water Rinse
    Williams Mug Shave Soap
    Jayaruh #458 Synthetic
    Gillette Goodwill Razor
    PolSilver DE Blade
    Cold Water Rinse
    Humphrey's Witch Hazel
    Aqua Velva Musk

    The Williams Mug Shave Soap lathered well with Jayaruh #458 Synthetic Brush. Two passes and touch ups with the Gillette Goodwill Razor razor and the PolSilver DE Blade gave me a close, comfortable shave. After a cold water rinse I finished off with Humphrey's Witch Hazel and Aqua Velva Musk After Shave. I am clean, smooth, and refreshed...
    stuartganis and brit like this.
  5. stuartganis

    stuartganis Well-Known Member

    Gillette Fatboy / Ladas blade [​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-T387V using Tapatalk
    brit likes this.
  6. stuartganis

    stuartganis Well-Known Member

    Gillette Red Tip / Ladas blade [​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-T387V using Tapatalk
    brit likes this.

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