How Often Do You Change Bath Towels?

Discussion in 'Skincare' started by apswartz, Nov 25, 2008.


How often do you change your bath towel?

  1. I use a new towel for evey shower/bath

  2. I use a couple of towels each week

  3. I usually use a towel for a week

  4. change towels? Why?

  1. iron maiden

    iron maiden New Member

    I used to use a new towel every day, but in an effort to save energy costs and resources, I normally change my towel every 3 days. I'm kind of a clean freak, so I just can't go any more than that.
    beemers likes this.
  2. lamontqsanford

    lamontqsanford New Member

    In Wyoming we have virtually no humidity. That means I can get a good 3-4 days out of a towel. Of course I only shower once a month anyway.
  3. alabamalawyer

    alabamalawyer Member

    I use a new towel after each shower. I wouldn't mind reusing one a time or two but my wife is a laundry fanatic and will wash any used ones the same day they get used. Usually it is washed, dried and back on the shelf the same day. So in reality I probably use the same one every day, it just happens to be clean each time.
  4. Bronco

    Bronco Mac Daddy

    I know! I'm getting tooooo old to keep starting over! :D
  5. Kingpepper

    Kingpepper Active Member

    I used to use a towel a day. My wife complained about doing too much laundry. So,now its every 2 to 4 days.
  6. apswartz

    apswartz New Member

    If she does the laundry, that's a good reason. I do the laundry here!
  7. burnWood

    burnWood Mizzou Fan, YMMV

    single me used a towel for a month or 2. married me uses one per week. wife used 2 per week like Jen does.
  8. JayKay

    JayKay 3000 posts and all I got was this lousy title

    I change them every day. There is a word for towels and things of that sort

    Fomites: Disease carrying inanimate objects
  9. MTgrayling

    MTgrayling Rocket Man

    Oh my towel is animated.

    Don't wash the goodness out of your bathwear, let them live!
  10. MTgrayling

    MTgrayling Rocket Man

  11. gatto

    gatto *Not a dude*

    I forgot to mention this, we kind of reuse towels. After a shower you hang your towel on the door and the next person uses it on the floor of the bathroom during their shower, then the floor towel goes into the dirty wash and the once used towel goes on the hook. Jeez, just the thought of reusing a towel for more then one shower bothers me.
  12. MTgrayling

    MTgrayling Rocket Man

    I'll bet my immune system can stop a meteor.
  13. erictski

    erictski Member

    Anything more than 3 towels in a week is pushing it for me...usually about 2 a week is good...i hate doing laundry
  14. asagage

    asagage New Member

    Every shower of course.
  15. PalmettoB

    PalmettoB The Old Guard

    'Bout twice, or MAYBE three showers, then off to the laundry basket.
  16. Prfanity

    Prfanity New Member

    I'm quite forgettful about these things, so the time from where I go "Hmmm...perhaps It's laundry time for this towel" to the point where I actually change towel is perhaps a few weeks. This seems to be a bit unhygienic apparently :p

    Now when I think about it, I must've had the same towel for around 2 months now and then. It had never struck me that it perhaps is a bit unusual. But I actually started to think about it yesterday and made some google searches today, and my findings amazed me. Change the towel after each shower!? Damn.
  17. MTgrayling

    MTgrayling Rocket Man

    I've been keeping track since the last laundry day. So far today is day 29 since laundry and 24 showers. Still seems fine to me, not crispy yet. It is very arid here so that may help dry things out somewhat.
  18. kicker245

    kicker245 New Member

    every 4 showers
  19. Bussemand

    Bussemand Well-Known Member

    Yeah. When you can lean the towel up against the wall instead of hanging it up, it's definately time for a change :happy097
  20. Puno_Rey

    Puno_Rey New Member

    Usually once a week, though I'll probably start splitting it up to twice a week now.

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