How's Your Day? Archives

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by Shep, Nov 30, 2008.

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  1. Corey

    Corey Member

    Does that mood include the intake of substances of questionable legality?
  2. micah1_8

    micah1_8 Poor Heartless Prevert

    surprisingly, no. For an added treat, take Pink Floyd's "Echo" and start it just as "The Jupiter Event" starts. Talk about trippy. No drugs needed!
  3. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea

    except for Floyd....:D
  4. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea


    [FONT=Bookman old style, times new roman][SIZE=-1][FONT=Bookman old style, times new roman][SIZE=-1][​IMG][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. Etoyoc

    Etoyoc Backwards

    Floyd the barber used drugs? Well I guess that explains his big grin and how he was so happy - despite never having customers... always sitting out front shooting the breeze....
  6. Corey

    Corey Member

  7. micah1_8

    micah1_8 Poor Heartless Prevert

  8. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea

    be sure to click on the cooler (only works on the website)

    EDIT: nevermind, they've updated their website, I can't find the hidden links! ugggh!

    UPDATE: Found it! they've moved the link to the hidden comics....but you'll have to search for yourself :D
  9. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea


    glad I wasn't having a drink right then...:rofl
  10. micah1_8

    micah1_8 Poor Heartless Prevert

    That is one stylin avatar you've got there, Jim.
  11. burningdarkness

    burningdarkness Woot Off

    That's one creepy comic there, Corey.
  12. micah1_8

    micah1_8 Poor Heartless Prevert

    The lunatics are on the grass...

    Pink Floyd:

  13. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea

    why thank you, sir!

    you should see the hidden comic....oh, okay, what the heck:

  14. burningdarkness

    burningdarkness Woot Off

    Have you been able to locate the new hidden comics, Jim?
  15. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea

  16. micah1_8

    micah1_8 Poor Heartless Prevert

    How are you finding them?
  17. burningdarkness

    burningdarkness Woot Off

    I bet he's using elven magic.
  18. Corey

    Corey Member

    Or voodoo.
  19. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea

    it took a loooooongo time, but here's a hint: stop looking inside the comic....
  20. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea

    it is quite hidden until you scroll over it...
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