Idiot of the Week

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by Sara-s, Aug 17, 2024.

  1. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    This seems somehow appropriate. IMG_9298.jpeg
    brit and Sara-s like this.
  2. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    What distance were you?

    brit likes this.
  3. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    I was shooting at 7 yards.
  4. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    Zees ees a classic exahmple of over-achieving syndrome. Ze next time you’re on ze range, try shooting at only vun yard, and zen you can verk your vay up from zere.
    Sara-s likes this.
  5. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

    And the 7 neighbors were ok with that?
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2024
    BamaT, swarden43 and Sara-s like this.
  6. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Break dancing to me looks like racewalking on steroids.
  7. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Who's Mark? Does he own an ape, and a ship?
    Sara-s likes this.
  8. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Congeats for your gold medal at the bike race competition(I saw you fling your Tabac into the air in celebration).
    wristwatchb and Sara-s like this.
  9. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    Yes, they were hoping I'd get their gophers.
    chazt, mrchick and richgem like this.
  10. Bax

    Bax Well-Known Member

    I never felt safe at a commercial range. I ended up buying my own rural recreational property, so I can do what I want, in safety, and without idiots around to endanger me.
    - Mountain Man Bax
    Ursa, chazt and Sara-s like this.
  11. Lancre

    Lancre Well-Known Member

    ...My leg is getting tired... :angry032:
    BamaT, chazt, Sara-s and 1 other person like this.

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