June 2020 30 Day Rule/Focus Pix & Discussion

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by NCoxSTL, May 31, 2020.


Your plan for June?

  1. I'm gonna rock a RULE!

    2 vote(s)
  2. Basic razors are my plan. Keep it simple, keep it real.

    8 vote(s)
  3. Basic aftershaves and shave cream soap. Keep it simple, keep it real.

    5 vote(s)
  4. Basic everything! Keep it simple, keep it real.

    7 vote(s)
  5. I'm just waiting for more cookies. Keep it simple, keep it sweet!

    8 vote(s)
  6. I'm just waiting for more ice cream. Keep it simple, keep it cold!

    8 vote(s)
  7. I'm going to shave. With some gear. Just keeping on like I always do.

    16 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. NCoxSTL


    Welcome to June 2020!!! To be more specific, it’s JUST THE BASICS JUNE!!! Never heard of that? Not sure what it would be? Well, think about the razors/soaps/brushes you find in drug stores, discount stores, dollar stores – or that you would expect a rookie to find and start out with. That's the stuff we're talking about.

    Why do a monthly focus on the cheap stuff, you ask? Well, because we’re all about learning to shave here so a majority of us probably started with some of that kind of gear. Once we got technique down and started trying other gear we realized that yes, technique does trump tools! So it’s always fun to revisit the basic gear to remind ourselves that all of those thousands and even millions of dollars (ok, maybe not that much) we threw at all the cool new gear was really just to enjoy the shininess. The basics give great shaves because we learned to do it right!

    I know some of you guys prefer the basic gear and I think that’s awesome! You have more self-control than I do in not letting your heads get turned by the expensive stuff! So, break out the basics! And, for you vintage guys out there, and I’m one of you, I would say a basic vintage razor would be a Superspeed or a Schick injector. Those were once sold cheap in every store. Get the idea? Ok, so that’s that. Let’s sit back and officially open June!

    Welcome back or welcome for the first time!! Wondering what the heck a 30 Day Rule or Focus is? Well, let’s let the one, the only, the legendary and mystical @Bama Samurai remind us. Please rise and remove your hats and hold your favorite razor aloft in tribute. We’ll pause for a moment of revered silence.

    HEY! I said pause for revered silence! Ok, now you can proceed.

    The 30 Day Rule (designed to build solid technique or learn new technique)

    1 brush, 1 soap, 1 brand of blades, 1 razor, 30 Days. The rule is really that simple. It seems boring, but this is probably the most straightforward way to learn for a brand new shaver. This is the exercise that really allowed me to clearly see the interplay between the four elements. It is highly recommended for newly converted shavers and more experienced shavers who have a problem that defies resolution. This exercise eliminates variables and will likely solve any problem you may have, with a strict scientific approach.Any thing that strays from these simple guidelines is not a rule, but rather a focus (not that there's anything wrong with that!)

    The 30 Day Focus (more flexible, for exploring and comparing)

    This is a less rigorous exercise, designed for exploration and comparison of gear and technique. This is the most common exercise on the thread. Generally the elements are rotated one by one to allow clear observation. Examples of focus areas include brush types, blades, soaps, razor variants, or technique foci as a standalone.

    These are the suggested guidelines, and serve as a starting point for the discussion each month. If you want to play along with the theme....great! We usually have a lot of fun with that. But, if you are on a Rule or Focus that doesn’t include the theme we’re totally fine with that. Most of all remember – this is about learning to use the tools and improving our skills so that TECHNIQUE TRUMPS TOOLS!!

    Here are the rules. Those not following the rules will be subject to penalties to include a visit from Ivan or Igor to correct that stinkin’ thinkin’!

    1. New Members always welcome. Start anytime.
    2. Well-seasoned member are, of course, always welcome!
    3. Respect everyone
    4. Follow the rules of the forum
    5. All razor types and styles welcome
    6. This thread is operated for your edification by the Russian Blade Cartel – no, we're not Russian, nor do we actually have a real Cartel (that we'll admit to in the presence of law enforcement) but we do love Russian steel! And recommend it. And shed tears of joy when others sing its praises!
    7. The Yakuza branch of the Cartel are also active and not to be messed with. Their love of Feathers and things like straights, shavettes and other assorted items is to be respected. (At least pretend you like them. It makes them happy).

    Let's have some great shaves people! Just the Basics June is here!!! Come on in, grab some cookies and ice cream and let's get started! Group hug!

    30 day crew portrait.jpg
    Mike-R41, ischiapp, clint64 and 10 others like this.
  2. timabababaluka

    timabababaluka No exceptions. Except.....

    Awesome! This month I'll be sticking with my cheapest shavette, the Utopia Care (under 9 bucks with 100 Derby Premium SE blades).

    I will also focus exclusively on the Russian steel in my blade sampler; I'm looking for a candidate that will satisfy my price/performance requirements for my next 100 pack purchase. :D
    Mike-R41, jgreenepa, clint64 and 12 others like this.
  3. brit

    brit in a box

    just open combs for me this june ,with some basic creams soaps and splashes..cheers gents..:)..maybe a tech or 2..anything basic..
    Last edited: May 31, 2020
    jgreenepa, clint64, Trigger and 6 others like this.
  4. jluc

    jluc smelling pretty

    I'm in!
    I'll probably continue on with my May theme which was no theme at all. I have a couple of razors on pre-order that should arrive sometime this month so maybe a couple of mini focuses.

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
    jgreenepa, clint64, JACarbone and 9 others like this.
  5. PatrickA51

    PatrickA51 Well-Known Member

    I haven't shaved for a week or so. I'm going to break out one of my Oscar11 brushes and some Williams shaving soap and my Weber DE Razor and shave it off.
  6. Edison Carter

    Edison Carter Well-Known Member

    Razor delivery....... for @jluc

    download (3).jpeg
    Droo78, PatrickA51, clint64 and 11 others like this.
  7. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Mr. Cawtuh, I thought the products in that truck were for me-my free Bill Neumann's. :)
  8. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    I'm in for June....a month that begins with low humidity and ends with higher humidity. With that in mind, my focus will be to see how many winter soap/A.S. groups I feel comfortable using, along with the summer group. Good project for soap reduction. I also aim for more careful shaves, so as to have less weepers&cuts(aaaaah, a weeper would be OK I suppose, so long as they don't cover my chin&jaw). Happy to be here and keep focusing....here's to another month of great shaves for us all. :)
  9. Edison Carter

    Edison Carter Well-Known Member

    You might need an upgrade to the Paul Turner Shave Studios to handle the increased volume
  10. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    LOL. I'm zooming in on making my Neumann decision, probably won't make the purchase for a while unless I get a newsletter from their company saying they are close to running out of the product I want. I'd have to buy it "on the fly" at that point. If it attracts the Aisle 12 crowd, then we can talk studios. Not that it would replace Clubman, of course.
    jgreenepa, clint64, Trigger and 4 others like this.
  11. MrEE

    MrEE Half Naked Shave Stalker

    I just voted for all of them, because there is no rule saying I can't.

    I'll use a little more basic gear this month but I'm eager to use my Rex and a few others. I feel like I just came off a diet so limited restrictions here.
    jgreenepa, clint64, jtspartan and 8 others like this.
  12. MrEE

    MrEE Half Naked Shave Stalker

    Awesome Tim! Looking through my stockpile, most my blades are Russian. We need another Astra Superior Stainless user in this group. Just say'n.
    jgreenepa, clint64, Trigger and 5 others like this.
  13. brit

    brit in a box

    great russian blades..love the blues..
    jgreenepa, clint64, Trigger and 2 others like this.
  14. timabababaluka

    timabababaluka No exceptions. Except.....

    jgreenepa, clint64, Trigger and 3 others like this.
  15. jgreenepa

    jgreenepa Nasal Barbarian

    I’ll be starting off the month by continuing with my new Supply SS to assess how many great shaves I can get out of my modified Feather Super! I think I’ll spend most of the month shaving with my Nancy Boy Cream- awesome stuff! When I finish my Feather Super experiment I’ll probably be shaving with a silver plated VAS that I’ve never shaved with followed by a focus on my new Tradere razor when it arrives.
  16. 9nein9

    9nein9 Guest

    Since I crapped out on MAYhem this year , due to circumstances beyond my control, I will attempt to finish a couple shaving devices I started and use them. Other than that I will not stress over shaving and just grab whatever I see in front of me and use it .
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2020
    jgreenepa, clint64, brit and 8 others like this.
  17. Bama Samurai

    Bama Samurai with Laser-like Focus

    I'm going old school. Will post later.

    Welcome to June.
    brit, NCoxSTL, timabababaluka and 9 others like this.
  18. Keithmax

    Keithmax Breeds Pet Rocks

    For the month I will try to finish a puck of Fine soap, this week is focused on my TSD brushes. Today's brush is the original 30DC LE brush, my favorite handle but I do not like this tuxedo knot. The knot has no problem lathering it is more about the synthetic feel and the springiness of the hair sends lather everywhere. The Rocnel-G is my favorite GEM razor and combined with the brush and Fine soap it delivered an epic shave.

  19. jgreenepa

    jgreenepa Nasal Barbarian

    Keith, I’m always awed by the quality of your shave gear! Love the Creed, I used to use it in my first marriage, SWMBO #1 loved it! Unfortunately, #2 has a fragrance allergy! That Rocnel-G is a razor I’m not familiar with, although I'm acquainted with their other offerings. Is it currently unobtainium?
    Edison Carter, clint64, brit and 6 others like this.
  20. jluc

    jluc smelling pretty

    June 1st
    Razor: Gillette Flare Tip L1
    Blade: Astra SP (1)
    Brush: PAA Peregrino
    Pre-shave: PAA The Cube
    Soap: Palmolive shave stick
    PAA Galactic witch hazel
    PAA unscented Star Jelly
    AS: Brut

    Good morning!

    Fantastic shave to start the day! Three passes for near BBS. Nearly silent alum.

    I decided to start the month with a Just the Basics shave. This could easily be the one and only setup.

    Have a great day! [​IMG]

    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk
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