Here's a few more from Chuck Heston.... "The Ten Commandments" "Ben Hur"—probably my favorite movie of all time "Planet of the Apes" "The Omega Man"
@HolyRollah Thank you for the recommendations. I already watched 10 Commandments and Ben Hur. I will check for the other two, thanks.
Don't forget THE NAKED JUNGLE. Heston's cold as ice for much of the film and pulls it off very well. Eleanor Parker is as wonderful as she is gorgeous, and William Conrad (if you're old enough to remember CANNON) is a treat for the time he's in it. The marabunta is cool, too, and you'll never look at a piano the same again. BEN HUR, OMEGA MAN and this one are the three Heston flicks in my library at the moment. I'd probably add WILL PENNEY if I came across a copy...I think Heston said he considered it his best work. He is pretty good in it.
Last night I watched the movie "The Night of the Generals". It was a hard movie to follow I had to watch it for the third time. Right now I am watching "Doubt" it was on FXM last night so far I see they have destroyed the movie by editing it and adding commercials. Won't watch anything on FXM any more.
Wally world special - $5.00 DVD If you liked Gettysburg, it is very good. If you didn't like it, it will stink. Most of the actors are the same and it takes place before the war. There is a lot more dialogue and exploration of where duty and honor are owed.
Definitely see Planet of the Apes and Omega Man! I'm going to suggest Soylent Green too. Don't expect a Biblical connection in these.
Another Charles Bronson movie. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968). Believe it or not this is the first western movie I see. I definitely recommend this one. A major peeve of mine is mindless predictable movies- I was pleasantly surprised that this one wasn't one of those movies.
Watched "The Raid 2" - probably THE best/impressive fight scenes I've seen in any movie. The story was better (at least present..) in the original Raid movie but the fight scenes here are just...amazing.
I am a big fan of The Raid, mainly because of the outrageous fight scenes. I have been looking forward to the sequel, glad to hear positive things about it.