Let's See Your Blade Stash...

Discussion in 'Safety Razors' started by PanChango, Feb 26, 2011.

  1. DesertTime

    DesertTime Well-Known Member

    is that bear arms or bare arms?
    Bama Samurai likes this.
  2. Sergio Avalos

    Sergio Avalos Member

    I keep a few out for daily use. The rest are kept in tackle boxes under my socks. That way SWMBO doesn't know exactly how many I have.

    Fas est et ab hoste docari
  3. DesertTime

    DesertTime Well-Known Member

    To bear razors against a sea of stubbles and by opposing cut them...
    Bama Samurai and Screwtape like this.
  4. cmorris357

    cmorris357 catching flies.........

    My Mostoclegmash and Twin Blade injector box:
    My St. Petersburg box:
    The odds and ends are stored in an Old Spice Mug.
  5. Bama Samurai

    Bama Samurai with Laser-like Focus

    "A well regulated DE stash, being necessary to the security of a blood-Free shave, the right of the people to stockpile a hoard of fine Russian steel shall not infringed."
    wristwatchb, Col C and DesertTime like this.
  6. Bama Samurai

    Bama Samurai with Laser-like Focus

    Slick. I love those adjustable insert boxes.
    cmorris357 likes this.
  7. cmorris357

    cmorris357 catching flies.........

    Picked them up at Harbor Freight.
    wristwatchb and Bama Samurai like this.
  8. Redrock

    Redrock Well-Known Member

    Some very cool blade storage ideas. :signs021:
  9. '65 G-Slim

    '65 G-Slim Well-Known Member

    Here's some...
    ...and some more...
    ...and some more...
    ...and I've got two of these...
    ...plus about a hundred or so GEM & Ted Pella single edge. These will all go to my boy should I croak within the next 20 years or so.
  10. gorgo2

    gorgo2 geezerhood

    Maybe, but how are your 40 watt incandescent filament bulbs working for you?

    Once upon a time, one of the first official acts (never carried out) proposed by a former administration was to hire agents to go to yard sales in an effort to report the sale of items the government had deemed unsafe, leading to whoever was selling, say, an asbestos-stuffed teddy bear (assuming there is such a thing) to be reported and fined. Given that, I have NO DOUBT that under the right (wrong) conditions, certain nannyite powers would look at razor blades and say, "mmmmm...unsafe." Especially if a former congressional colleague was now a lobbyist for Gillette.

    /political tinfoil off
  11. RetLEO-07

    RetLEO-07 likes his penguin deep fried, with pink sparkles

    So, I'm thinking he wet shaves also or does he need indoctrination?
  12. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Nice stash!
    '65 G-Slim likes this.
  13. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

    I get that a lot. ;). :p
    crackstar and PanChango like this.
  14. RetLEO-07

    RetLEO-07 likes his penguin deep fried, with pink sparkles

  15. '65 G-Slim

    '65 G-Slim Well-Known Member

    He's using all the razors I gave his middle son, until the boy is old enough to shave. He's only 11 now, though. So, my son will have had a chance to try 'em all out.
    RetLEO-07 likes this.
  16. PanChango

    PanChango Not Cute

    I keep most of the pile in an ammo cannister in my closet, but broke them out to see what I actually have on hand. I should probably PIF some of them.

  17. Redrock

    Redrock Well-Known Member

    My blade stash is most likely the smallest on this forum. I have tried probably several dozen blade types over the years and have settled on these. Not that the others were bad but, I wanted to simplify the blade assortment. After all was said and done I settled on the Astra SP Platinum blades. They are consistently sharp and work well in the adjustable and non-adjustable razors. I have had the Feathers laying around for a long time. Nice, sharp blades but I have a tendency toward nicks and cuts when I use them. The neat little cup was a gift from Michal Yoresh (Israel) when I ordered one of her lather bowls. She does great work at reasonable prices and shipping.

    wristwatchb, Col C, Screwtape and 2 others like this.

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