When I did my studies in Antwerpen (Belgium) SWMBO and I used to frequent a Korean restaurant. The owners barely could speak English and Dutch / Flemish they didn't speak at all. Their Korean must have been excellent, though. The menu was written in English with their own Dutch translations using a dictionary, taking the first word for each translation. This was about 1990, so no digital resources like Google Translation. So, "instant noodles" was translated into "dringend lomperd",which translates back into "urgent lout". I checked using my own dictionary and it really was true. First transaction of "instant" : "dringend". First translation of "noodle" : "lomperd". But the food was delicious, the owners were really nice and we ended up visiting the restaurant on a monthly basis and even having our marriage dinner with the family and close friends at their restaurant.
Sounds like Meneer van Dale had some work to do in the old days. Anders ... wat leuk verhaal. (For the non-Dutchies, the "van Dale" is the official Dutch dictionary.)