Yeah, i think there may be a purge in the cycle somewhere. How else would we lament over the ones that got away.
I have a question: Do you guys dial up or down with subsequent passes? It seems intuitive to start high and dial down to reduce the chances of irritation. @mantic recommends working upward and after reading online I see many do it that way. This is kind of over analyzeing; just want to know what others are doing. Thanks.
I set it and forget it, on adjustables. On the dual sided Shavecraft 101, i guess i use the milder side for the first two passes (i cant tell much different).
Set it and forget it. Sometimes on 2, sometimes on 3 or 4. I can't see the numbers without reading glasses anyway... which I don't wear while shaving...
I do three passes (WTG,XTG, ATG) set on 4 or 5, then I dial all the way down to 1 for the final polishing & buffing. This is easy to do with wet, soapy hands since it only requires you to turn the knob clockwise until it stops. I have found it works well with every blade I've fed it, although Polsilver and Astra are favorites for me.