Micromatic Monday

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by GAW9576, Dec 2, 2019.

  1. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    ASRazor shave, Monday, March 11th 2024

    Razor : Ever-Ready streamline 2nd generation- Mfg 1949-53, mid to upper mid range. This razor was designed when the Gem blade spline was thicker, but fast forward to todays modern blade it has a thinner aluminum spline so to mimic the the older spline I add a shim underneath the Modern blade spline(R.I.G.S) to smooth out the shave slightly. Had a close comfortable shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (10) very sharp, smooths out nicely, excellent longevity, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Ach Brito Lavanda cream, nice milder scented lavender with a touch of mint, + excellent lather qualities. This is a wonderful shave cream and it is very easy to reach a very nice lather quickly IMO.
    Brush : Yaqi "Mountain lake" 24mm 2band badger. Excellent lather generator, pillow like soft tips. nice splay scrubber + great lather painter.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Ach Brito Lavender with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Ever-Ready streamline razor with a coated Gem blade.

    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, elektrotasil and GAW9576 like this.
  2. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    ASRazor shave or MMMonday, March 18th 2024

    Razor : Star bar #4 Lather catcher- Mfg 1919-20, tame mid range. Excellent razor for my beard type, with over 60 razors in my den this little gem seems to out perform a lot more modern and vintage razors with perfect shaves with a fresh Gem PTFE blade.
    It is light, old, made of stamped sheet metal with a nickel coating yet it out performs!
    Kudo's to older craftsman of that era who knew what the boss wanted and needed for sales to keep the doors open. Had a stellar close comfortable shaver this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE(1) very sharp, excellent longevity, smoooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Razorock XXX, nice clean unique scented soap with excellent lather qualities. One of my favorite's.
    Brush : YAQI "Mysterious space" 24mm Timberwolf knot. Excellent lather generator, luxury heavenly cloud like soft tips, gentle perfect splay scrubber + excellent lather painter. This knot and handle are perfect for my shave needs it seems.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Razorock XXX with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Star bar razor with a fresh Gem coated blade. (It does not any better a shave IMO!)

    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, elektrotasil and GAW9576 like this.
  3. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    ASRazor shave, MMMonday, March 25th 2024

    Razor : Gem Push button, Mfg 1958-65, tame mid range. A very nice razor to use if in good working order. There seem to be a craze back years ago for push button transmissions in cars, it seems that craze has returned 60 + years, because mostly all new cars come with push button starts + even some transmissions(History repeats its self once again). Had a close comfortable shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (2) very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely. predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Speick stick, nice mild spicy scented with excellent lather qualities. Top tier soap in my den IMO.
    Brush : Yaqi " Cola" 22 mm synthetic. Excellent lather generator, cloud like soft tips, nice splay scrubber + excellent lather painter. Nice handle to hold onto + not a lather hog either. Great brush for very little soap needed to generate nice lather.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Ach Brito Lavanda with with hazel+ a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBs + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Gem Push button razor with a coated Gem blade.
    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, GAW9576 and elektrotasil like this.
  4. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    ASRazor shave, Tuesday, March 26th 2024

    Razor : Gem Damaskenne open comb, Mfg 1912-15, tame mid range. This is the real Mckoy Gem 1912 because it is open comb and has a stropping attachment in the handle. This little razor is over 112 years old approximately and still performs excellent with a fresh Gem SS PTFE blade. I lucked out when I bought this razor years ago in a razor lot sale on line. These where the first models Gem came out with in OC and then went to the closed comb for many years for a total successful product. Had a stellar close comfortable shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (3) very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Razorock "The Dead Sea", very nice unique scented soap with excellent lather qualities. One of my favorites.
    Brush : Yaqi " black marble" 24mm 3band silvertip badger. Excellent lather generator, luxury pillow like soft tips, nice splay scrubber + great lather painter. I like the handle and always laugh at the size of bloom that occurred after 1st .... cleaning.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Razorock "The dead Sea" splash with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBs + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a stellar close comfortable shave this morning with my Gem 1912 OC razor with a Gem coated blade.

    Have some great shaves!
  5. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    MMMonday, April 1st 2024

    Razor : Gem G bar- Mfg 1955-58, mild to tame mid range. Interesting razor to work the face and results are great. The chrome finish is of high grade and has lasted a long time. This razor is built to last generations. Had a close comfortable shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (4) Very sharp, great longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Razorock XXX Fresco, nice scented XXX clean unique scent with some menthol + excellent lather qualities.
    Brush : Yaqi "Artic sky" 24mm synthetic. Excellent lather generator, heavenly cloud like soft tips, gentle splay scrubber + excellent lather painter.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Razorock XXX fresco with witch hazel+ a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Gem G bar with a coated Gem blade.

    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, elektrotasil and GAW9576 like this.
  6. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    ASRazor shave, Saturday, April 6th 2024

    Razor : Gem 1912, 1921 variant. Mfg 1912-1940's. ASR made millions of 1912 variants with different brand names because they where just that good a razor. They sold under Ever Ready and Star brands + Gem and some department stores most likely. USA armed forces also had lots of 1912 models during WW1 stamped army property. I find it a great tame mid range to mid range depending on operator technique. Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (5). Very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle IMO.
    Soap : Speick stick, nice mild herbal scent with some of the best lather qualities I have used.
    Brush : Yaqi "Red Zebra" 26mm snow leopard synthetic knot. Excellent lather generator, luxury heavenly cloud like soft tips, gentle splay scrubber + excellent lather painter. One of my favorite brushes for some time.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave :Razorock American barber + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning with my Gem 1912 with a coated Gem blade.

    Have some great shaves!
    GoodShave, jimjo1031, GAW9576 and 2 others like this.
  7. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    ASRazor shave, April 8th, 2024

    Razor : Ever-Ready 1914(AKA= Little lather catcher or LLC) with 1st generation blade stops. Mfg 1914-17, mid range. If a person likes audio feed back this is a excellent razor for that audio feed back and the ER 1914 shaves like a champion razor also. I get excellent shaves with this razor and sometimes I use a Rigs shim to calm it down a notch like this morning if I want a easy going shave. Had a close comfortable shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE(6) very sharp(the reason I mention it being very sharp is the amount or # of shaves it offers per blade, usually 10 for my self), excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Speick stick, nice mild herbal scent with excellent lather qualities.
    Brush : Yaqi "sagrada Familia " 22 mm 2band badger. Excellent lather generator, pillow like soft tips, nice splay scrubber + great lather painter. Small handle but works like a charm for my shaving needs.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Ach Brito Lavanda with witch hazel+ a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Ever-Ready 1914 razor with a coated Gem blade.
    Have some great shaves!
    GoodShave, jimjo1031, GAW9576 and 2 others like this.
  8. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    MMMonday, April 15th 2024

    Razor : Gem MicroMatic Clog Pruf (Peerless 17 nibbed Safety Bar variant) Mfg 1945, mid range. Excellent design and stamping technology for that era with a rack & pinion blade clamping design that is very very rare in any razor ever made to date. Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (7) Very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle!
    Soap : Ach Brito Lavada cream, nice scented lavender with excellent lather qualities.
    Brush : Yaqi " Mountain lake" 24mm 2band badger. Excellent lather generator, pillow like soft tips, nice splay scrubber + great lather painter. One of my best badger brushes for performance handle ergonomics.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Ach Brito splash cologne scented with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBs + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Gem Micromatic Clog Pruf with a coated Gem blade.

    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, GAW9576 and elektrotasil like this.
  9. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    MMMonday, April 15th 2024

    Razor : Gem MicroMatic Clog Pruf (Peerless 17 nibbed Safety Bar variant) Mfg 1945, mid range. Excellent design and stamping technology for that era with a rack & pinion blade clamping design that is very very rare in any razor ever made to date. Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (7) Very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle!
    Soap : Ach Brito Lavada cream, nice scented lavender with excellent lather qualities.
    Brush : Yaqi " Mountain lake" 24mm 2band badger. Excellent lather generator, pillow like soft tips, nice splay scrubber + great lather painter. One of my best badger brushes for performance handle ergonomics.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Ach Brito splash cologne scented with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBs + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Gem Micromatic Clog Pruf with a coated Gem blade.

    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, GAW9576 and elektrotasil like this.
  10. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    ASRazor shave, Monday, 2024

    Razor : British 2nd Generation Ever-Ready Streamline SE, Mfg 1949-53 mid to upper mid range. well built to last Generations and works well when mastered. Used a shim(RIGS) under the existing modern spline of a modern Gem blade to mock the older blades that had thicker splines, it really smooths out the shave for myself and others. Had a close comfortable shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (8) very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Cyril R Salter Wild rose cream. This a excellent cream with the scent of roses + excellent lather qualities.
    Brush : Yaqi" Sagrada Familia" 26mm Husky synthetic knot. Excellent lather generator, luxury, heavenly cloud like soft tips, gentle splay scrubber + excellent lather painter. Hard to beat this brush for beautiful soft face feel that does every thing for a decent lathering.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Italian barber Amici with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] CCS,DFS,BBs + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Ever-Ready Streamline razor with a coated Gem blade.
    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, GAW9576 and elektrotasil like this.
  11. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    ASRazor shave, Micromatic Monday, May13th 2024.

    Razor : Star bar #4 lather catcher, Mfg 1919-20, tame mid range. This little razor with a fresh blade can not be beaten in my collection of many razors most days when used. It just works well for my beard type and was designed by a Star brand who invented in mass the safety razor in the 1880's way ahead of any other brand in the world in new shaving technology that even existed.
    For a razor that was stamped and shaped to my perfection it just works well. Had a comfortable close stellar close shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE(1).Very sharp, great longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to use.
    Soap : Razorock Irish Countryside, very nice unique scent(Creed Irish green) + excellent lather qualities.
    Brush : Yaqi "Lucky dice" 26mm brown whiskers synthetic knot. Excellent lather generator, luxury heavenly cloud like soft tips, nice splay scrubber + excellent lather painter. One of my favorites in my brush collection (26mm synthetic brushes are excellent!).
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Razorock Countryside splash with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning with my Star bar #4 with a fresh coated Gem blade.
    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, GAW9576 and elektrotasil like this.
  12. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    GEMonday, May 20th 2024

    Razor : Gem Junior bar lather catcher with stropping attachment inside handle. Mfg 1907-11, mild to tame mid range. A very nice Gem lather catcher that most folks could use with not much issues IMO. They are built well and where used a lot by folks who loved the way they shaved are my thoughts for that time period. Make sure blade stops are in good shape if you come across one in the wild. This little razor has brought a lot of decent shaving and caught my interests early in my wonderings into traditional wet shaving. One of my better buys IMO. Had a close comfortable shave this morning to start the day off.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (2) very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Razorock XXX, very enjoyable unique scented soap that has excellent lather properties.
    Brush : Yaqi "Ferrari" 24mm boar bristle knot. Excellent lather generator, soft split end boar bristle hairs, nice splay scrubber + great lather painter.

    Scuttle: My wife picked this up at a estate sale and it is interesting shaving oddity when looking and using it but it is not for my preferences to use in my shaving routine. This is what they used back well over 100 years ago and soap bars where smaller and they would soak the (Boar) brush in the bottom part and dip tips for needed water for thinner lather wants in this little scuttle and operator would brush load the from the top are also my thoughts.
    I think the person who designed it must of had a full grown beard and did not think what a person shaving needs where. Back then in those times brush knots where smaller and water was usually drawn from the well, are my thinking and water warmed up on the cooking stove kettle and poured in side the vessel.
    Hot water tanks where not available and only the rich might have some way of hot water availably with maids or butlers serving them??
    So I had to give it a try and see how practical these scuttles where back around the 1800's- 1900's. Todays scuttles are larger and more practical because we have running hot water plumped in to most homes. Any ways just sharing some thoughts from the past shaving products.

    Pre shave
    : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Razorock XXX with with hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Gem Junior bar razor with a coated Gem bar.

    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, GAW9576 and elektrotasil like this.
  13. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    ASRazor shave, Tuesday, May 28th 2024

    Razor : Gem Featherweight, 1st Generation, 1oz. Mfg 1950-52, mild to tame mid range. I had a itching to use a another Gem or ASR razor after MMMonday shave and looking through my razor racks this little jewel brought back some great thoughts of a nice comfortable shaves.
    Well built and designed to last with a little care. Had a close and comfortable shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (4) Very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Razorock Lavender [​IMG], one of the better soaps that has ever come out of Razorock IMO. The scent that this soap produces is a masculine lavender with some of the best lather qualities I have ever used. (obsolete?? for now, 3rd tub.)
    Brush : Yaqi "Purple haze" 24mm synthetic Mew knot. Excellent lather generator, luxury cloud like soft tips, gentle splay scrubber + excellent lather painter. Great brush for my shaving needs I have concluded.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Razorock King Lois Lavender with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my ASR Gem Featherweight razor with a coated Gem blade. Great shave today!
    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, elektrotasil and GAW9576 like this.
  14. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    GEMonday, May 27th 2024

    Razor : Gem Push button- Mfg 1958-65, mild to tame mid range. One of my favorite ASR razors for looks with black and gold. This little razor still performs well and with good technique and sharp blade it will give stellar shaves. Had a close comfortable shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE(3). Very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Ach Brito Lavanda cream, nice lavender with a (mild peppermint ??) in the back ground scent + excellent lather qualities.
    Brush : Yaqi "Moka Express" 24mm synthetic. Excellent lather generator, luxury heavenly cloud like soft tips, gentle splay scrubber + excellent lather painter.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Ach Brito Lavanda splash with witch hazel+ a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Gem push button razor with a coated Gem blade. Very close to a close BBS this morning but still borderline so 9.5 will work!

    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, elektrotasil and GAW9576 like this.
  15. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    GEMonday, June 3rd 2024

    Razor : Gem 1912(1921 model) with gold wash coating. Mfg 1912-40's, tame mid to mid range. Millions of 1912 razors where Mfg for world use from mainly USA + later on Great Britain or (UK). This success razor was the best production model for ASR corp IMO. Built to last with reasonable care, had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE(5) very sharp, great longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Razorock XXX, nice cologne clean masculine scent with excellent lather qualities. Top tier for myself + on 4th tub.
    Brush : Yaqi" Ferrari" 24mm bleached boar bristle. Excellent lather generator, soft split end tips, nice splay scrubber + great lather painter. Great handle + this knot shed a lot at first(defect sale brush) but it turned out to be a very nice brush to work the face when it stopped shedding. I have not seen Yaqi make bleached boar brushes since this one.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Razorock XXX splash + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBs + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Gem 1912 with a coated Gem blade.

    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, GAW9576 and elektrotasil like this.
  16. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    GEMonday, June 10th 2024.... Anyone who likes to use a American Safety Razor(ASR) corp razors with a Gem standard blade dimensions are welcomed any day of the week to show their gear and how their shave went + have questions about ASR gear on this Micromatic Monday thread!

    Razor : Gem G bar, Mfg 1955-58, mild to tame mid range IMO. This little razor when dialed in is hard to beat, built to last + has a excellent chrome coated to protect for many Generations.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (7) very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : TOBS Herbal Sandalwood cream, Very nicely scented Sandalwood with some the best lather qualities I have used IMO.
    Brush : Yaqi "Barber pole" 24mm 2band badger. Excellent lather generator, pillow like soft tips, nice splay scrubber + great lather painter. Nice all around shave brush that makes brush lathering enjoyable for my lathering needs + large handle for folks who like that feature.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Ogallala Bayrum Sandalwood splash + a dollop of Geo F Trumper Sandalwood skin food.
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBs + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Gem G bar with a coated Gem Blade.
    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, GAW9576 and elektrotasil like this.
  17. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    ASRazor shave, Monday, June 24th 2024

    Razor : Ever Ready streamline 2nd Generation. Mfg 1949-53, well built to last and still works well 70 yrs later. I like to use a RIGS shim to smooth the shave because the razor was refined to use the Gem blades with thicker spine back before the modern blade was offered in the mid 50's + nice razor to use when blade uses are higher IMO. Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (9) very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Razorock XXX regular, very nice clean XXX scent with excellent lather qualities. One of my favorites!
    Brush :Yaqi "Moka Express" 26 mm synthetic. Excellent lather generator, luxury heavenly cloud like soft tips, gentle splay scrubber + excellent lather painter. Very good hybrid test brush, one of my best synthetic brushes.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Razorock XXX splash with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBs + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning with my Ever-Ready stream liner with a Gem coated blade.

    Have some great shaves!
    jimjo1031, elektrotasil and GAW9576 like this.
  18. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    MMMonday, July 1st 2024, Sorry fellows wrong photo on above post!

    Razor : Ever-Ready SE streamline 2nd Generation, Mfg 1949-53, mid to upper mid range. The ER Streamline razor is one of the nicest ASR razors to look at, but it was designed around the older splined Gem blades that had a thicker spline IMO. I just slip a spent flattened modern spline(RIGS) folded underneath the modern PTFE blade I'm using and Wala it brings the set up closer to original design that makes for a smoother shave at least for a few of us who have tried. Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (10) very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : Yaqi Musketeer Rapier, nice unique scented soap(addictive) with excellent lather qualities.
    Brush : Yaqi "Panda" 24mm Tuxedo knot. Excellent lather generator, cloud like soft tips, nice splay scrubber + excellent lather painter. This would be a hard handle to Manufacture I'm thinking and very unique to look at and use. Bought on a excellent sale.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Witch hazel cleanse+ Yaqi Musketeer Rapier splash + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Ever-Ready SE streamline razor with a coated Gem blade.
    Have some great shaves!
    GAW9576, elektrotasil and jimjo1031 like this.
  19. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    ASRazor shave, Monday July 8th 2024

    Razor : Star bar #4 lather catcher. Mfg 1919-1920, tame mid range. This is almost Star's last of the lather catchers that was made by Star company ( Kampfe brothers of Brooklyn NY). Star was the first mass produced safety razor in the world in the 1880's. This little razor is still my go to island stranded grail razor, when I slip in a new blade and have my shave it just performs so very well for those close comfortable stellar shaves. I have over 60 razors and it just up there with the top two, 95% of the time.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE (1) very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : TOBS herbal sandalwood cream, this scent is addictive and just performs so well + excellent lather qualities.
    Brush : Yaqi " Orbital ring" 24mm boar bristle hair. Excellent lather generator, soft split end bristle tips, nice splay scrubber + great lather painter.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Proraso red sandalwood with witch hazel + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : Dial 10.2 stellar.jpg or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning with my Star bar lather catcher(100 + years old) with a coated gem blade. (It does not get any better a shave like this morning.)
    SOTD July 8 2024.jpg
    Have some great shaves!
  20. Ron R

    Ron R Well-Known Member

    ASRazor shave, Tuesday, July 9th 2024

    : Star bar #4 lather catcher. Mfg 1919-20, tame mid range. Excellent design for its time and one of the last Lather catchers made by Star company(ASR brand). I concluded years ago this was my grail island razor and still up their with very few that can reach my Pinacol of a nice shave daily if wanted. Over 100 years young and still beating the competition in razor world. Good daily driver if you can find one IMO. Had a close comfortable stellar shave this morning.
    Blade : Gem Personna SS PTFE(2) very sharp, excellent longevity, smooths out nicely, predictable + safest blade to handle.
    Soap : TOBS Herbal sandalwood, very addictive scent 7/10 strength with excellent lather qualities.
    Brush : Yaqi "Moka Express" 26mm synthetic. Excellent lather generator, luxury heavenly cloud like soft tips, gentle splay scrubber + excellent lather painter. Very enjoyable brush to lather my face and surly one of my best synthetic brushes.
    Pre shave : (Dedicated Cashmere synthetic)Brush wash whole face with CeraVe hand bar cleanser with a dollop of clear Aloe Vera on the cleaned beard area.
    Prep : Cold water rinse after each pass of 2 + pickups. WTG + ATG + pickups.
    Post shave : Ogallala Bayrum and Sandalwood + a dollop of CeraVe moisturizing lotion(scentless).
    Results : [​IMG] or CCS,DFS,BBS + no irritation + no weepers=[​IMG] Had a close comfortable shave this morning with my Star bar lather catcher with a coated Gem blade.

    Have some great shaves!

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