When do bakers share their secret bread recipes? Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Only on a knead-to-know basis.
It's a shame in the English language(and in the word of puns)that bread and knead look alike but don't sound alike.
Well, that's how they roll. Someone trying to steal the secret recipe risks getting caught bread-handed, but that can happen when they risk it for the biscuit.
What do you call a ninja dinosaur? Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler A Uneversaurus.
What do you call a group of singing dinosaurs? Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler A Tyranno-chorus
What do you call a blind dinosaur? Spoiler (Move your mouse to the spoiler area to reveal the content) Show Spoiler Hide Spoiler Doyouthinkysaurus
I just got back from a couple days in Curaçao where I got to practice a little Dutch (@macaronus) and I met this guy at the beach. I asked him his name, but he said he preferred to remain iguanamous.
Lekker bezig! Ging het een beetje? ( Nice job! How did it go?) As for the iguanamous guy, heguana be famous someday?
Het lezen en het spreken waren goed genoeg maar het begrijpen was best moeilijk! (Reading and speaking were good enough but understanding (them) was quite difficult.)