Open Comb Central - The Place With Real Teeth (No R41, Hybrid or Closed Combs)

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by GDCarrington, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. BroRat

    BroRat Well-Known Member

    Karve CB brass “C” Open Comb / Gillette‌ 7 O'clock SharpEdge Yellow
    Oumo Desert Ironwood & Sandalwood 26mm SILK/Manchuria
    Pre de Provence No. 63 Shave Soap
    Alt-Innsbruck Eau De Cologne Aftershave​
    Hembree and brit like this.
  2. Hembree

    Hembree Not as pretty smelling

    Yesterday's Shave.

    Above the Tie R2 plate with Atlas handle.
    Astra SP blade.
    Razorock 400 Plissoft synthetic brush.
    Above the Tie shave soap.
    Timeless Razor shave bowl.
    Irish Chestnut by Andy Hilfiger cologne.
    brit and James Kleinkauf like this.

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