Rosemary essential oil -- what to do with it?

Discussion in 'Soapmaking & Lotions' started by Shotwell, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. Shotwell

    Shotwell Well-Known Member

    Recently found a small bottle of rosemary essential oil in my medicine cabinet that has been sitting there with no apparent purpose for some time. I'd love to have it be useful and earn a spot somehow in my regimen, if I can find a way to re-purpose it in some way.

    Any suggestions/recipes? Ideally, I'd want to use it as a post-shave or aftershave splash of some sort. Though I'd gladly use it as an ingredient in a homebrewed or modified/tweaked balm or lotion. Just don't want to make it too concentrated in terms of the oil, or too pungent, or use a base that isn't compatible.

    So... Recipes welcome, for aftershave splash, balm, etc.

    I have on hand the following (but would buy something else as a base if necessary, so I'm not totally limited to these):

    - plain generic CVS brand Witch Hazel
    - plain anhydrous 99.5% glycerin
    - 70% alcohol
    - both a razorock block and a Crystal deodorant stick which I could make a distillation from
    - distiller water
    - Captain Morgan Reserve and Sammy's Beach Bar Rum ;)
    - Brasso ;) ;)

    Also, if these aren't enough as a base to a recipe, I also know a store where I could get both Corn Huskers lotion -- I saw it mentioned once as a possible base -- and Williams shaving soap (cheap!).

    Anyone tried this before with any success? Recipes or links to them welcomed and appreciated.
  2. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    If you have an unscented balm or lotion, you could add some. I'd start with a teaspoon, to 8 ounces of lotion & see how you like it. If you use pre-shave oil, it could go in there too. It also makes a nice blend with mint scents.
    Boojum1 and HolyRollah like this.
  3. HolyRollah

    HolyRollah BaconLord

    Rosemary EO was one of the ingredients in my Bay Rum…

    Here's the original recipe I used. I modified it a bit and probably would alter it again in the next batch. (* means alterations)

    Bay Rum
    Vodka 6 oz
    Dark Jamaican Rum, 4 oz
    Witch Hazel 6 oz
    Essential Oil (5/2 ratio, Bay to rosemary) 40 drops total; (*added Lime EO: 20 drops)
    Bay Oil (Pimenta Racemosa) 28 drops
    Rosemary Oil 12 drops
    (*I added Lime EO: 20 drops)
    Allspice 3-5 berries, cracked (*I doubled this amount)
    Black Peppercorns 6-19, cracked (*I doubled this amount)
    2 sticks Cinnamon, broken in pieces
    Lime Zest from 1 Large 9or 2 small (2 TBLs)(*I doubled this amount)
    Ginger Root, chopped (1 tablespoon)

    Add after straining liquid through cheesecloth or paper filter, add:
    Glycerin 1tsp

    Begin by grating the lime peel to get its zest. You want the green part of the peel, not the white beneath.
    This usually yields about two tablespoons of zest. It’s fine if you have more or less than this.
    Once you have the zest, put it in your pint jar along with the cinnamon stick (break it up ), the ginger, and the allspice berries.
    Next add the rum and vodka. Next fill the jar with witch hazel distillate. This will be just under two cups.
    Finally add 40 drops of the essential oils (bay & Rosemary. Cover the mixture with a tight fitting lid and shake well.

    Shake it well every day for 4 - 6 weeks. Once the homemade bay rum is done, strain off the ingredients and add the Glycerin,
    This makes enough to fill two 8 oz bottles.

    See entire thread HERE.
    gemmicro, Boojum1 and Sara-s like this.
  4. Shotwell

    Shotwell Well-Known Member

    First thought upon glancing at the instructions:

    Boojum1, RaZorBurn123 and BigMark like this.
  5. richgem

    richgem suffering from chronic clicker hand cramps

  6. Shotwell

    Shotwell Well-Known Member

    richgem likes this.
  7. PatrickA51

    PatrickA51 Well-Known Member

    I still wonder if this stuff is drink able?
  8. Bristle Me

    Bristle Me Insufficient

    Two pucks of VDH Deluxe. (don't mess with the luxury stuff.....blech.....)
    Two teaspoons of glycerine.
    1 teaspoon of rosemary EO

    Heat the VDH pucks in a double boiler.
    No need to boil the water, just heat to about 180 F. or so.
    When the VDH has melted, add in the glycerin and EO
    and stir thoroughly.

    Now you've got some really nice lathering, smooth as silk soap
    that smells just fantastic.

    I really like the simple stuff.

    Best wishes and

    Happy Shaving!! :bounce017:
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014
    Shotwell and Sara-s like this.
  9. HolyRollah

    HolyRollah BaconLord

    Only if you have a taste for witch hazel...
    Shotwell likes this.

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