Show me the green, brushes that is.

Discussion in 'The Brush' started by Linuxguile, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Beautiful brush Roger.
    Hodge likes this.
  2. Boojum1

    Boojum1 Valet Parking Available Here

    Green is also one of my favorite colors Andrew. I have some green brushes.



    Paladin purchased for my Son

    My WW St. Patrick's Day brush


  3. Boojum1

    Boojum1 Valet Parking Available Here

    Gorgeous green brushes gents! :happy096:
    Douglas Carey likes this.
  4. Hodge

    Hodge Well-Known Member

    Thanks Douglas. I really didnt like the translucency of the handle at first but its grown on me:D
    Douglas Carey likes this.
  5. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Stunning collection of green amigo. :happy096:
    gwsmallwood, Boojum1 and Hodge like this.
  6. gwsmallwood

    gwsmallwood Well-Known Member

    Both beauties. I considered Doug's vintage eagle shape for mine.
  7. Hodge

    Hodge Well-Known Member

    It is a great handle....simple but elegent :D
    Douglas Carey likes this.
  8. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

    Roger, I can only imagine.
    Hodge and Douglas Carey like this.
  9. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

    Those are some beauties, Mark!
    Boojum1 and Douglas Carey like this.
  10. MoAllen

    MoAllen King of Unscented


    This tall green and gold beauty was made by Dave Ross in Beaverton, OR (MERshaving on Etsy). He had a display of his work at Seattle ShaveCon 2015, which is when I bought this handle from him. I mounted a 24mm Plisson-style knot from Shave Revolution in it.
  11. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

    Beautiful brush, Mike!
    MoAllen and Douglas Carey like this.
  12. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    It sure is a beauty. :happy096:
    MoAllen likes this.
  13. gwsmallwood

    gwsmallwood Well-Known Member

    I love this thread.
    Douglas Carey and Linuxguile like this.
  14. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    :signs011: :eatdrink047:
  15. Fly2High

    Fly2High Breaking Frugal

    That is an awesome brush!! I love when a handle looks like it is in motion or flowing and that really looks fluid.
    Linuxguile, MoAllen and Douglas Carey like this.
  16. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    New addition to the family. :)

    Shavemac ATG LE The Nisky Silvertip Fan

    Shavemac The Nisky.jpg

    Shavemac The Niskya.jpg
  17. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

  18. Douglas Carey

    Douglas Carey Wildman

    Thanks, 26x52 I believe.
    PickledNorthern and Linuxguile like this.
  19. MoAllen

    MoAllen King of Unscented

    Here is one of my favorite brushes, an Ever Ready green restored with a synthetic knot I extracted from an HIS brush. [​IMG]
  20. MoAllen

    MoAllen King of Unscented

    I just finished this one, haven't tried it yet. The Ever Ready handle was a uniform ugly brown, but wet sanding showed the original green color. The knot is a synthetic "faux horse" from the Etsy seller APShave.[​IMG]

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