Show off your pens

Discussion in 'The Good Life' started by Darkbulb, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. jar

    jar Well-Known Member

    This thread needs more PRON.

    Green pen in middle is filled now. It is an Eboya Houju in Kunpu (薫風)
    from Left, Eboya large Yatate, Sailor King of Pen, Eboya medium Houju, Sailror KOP Pro Gear, Eboya small Natsume.

    Some Nakayas

    Some Platinum Izumos

    Some Danitrios
    a Takumi based on the story of Momotaro

    a Danitrio Sho-Hakkaku Ancient Flowers

    brit, gorgo2, wristwatchb and 6 others like this.
  2. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    Stunning pens! And good to hear that Sheaffer is owned by a real pen company again. I hope that will revitalise the brand as well. Since the Valor (which I didn't like) they have only developed lower end pens, as far as I know.

    Pitralon forever - Real pens have a nib - If it doesn't tick, it's not a watch.
  3. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    By the way, I have tried the new incarnation of the Lamy Persona. Only dipped, not filled. I already have the original, so I am not tempted. But it is a lovely pen, and the current version feels as good in the hand as the original. I never understood why they stopped producing it anyway. Same with the Lady, which was a beautiful and innovative pen.

    Pitralon forever - Real pens have a nib - If it doesn't tick, it's not a watch.
  4. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    Currently have my yellow Sailor 1911M inked:

    brit, gorgo2, Sara-s and 2 others like this.
  5. jar

    jar Well-Known Member

    And it's brother by a different mother:

    brit, gorgo2, wristwatchb and 2 others like this.
  6. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    @jar I can impossibly beat you ;)

    Impressive, thanks for sharing!
  7. stingraysrock

    stingraysrock PIF'd away his custom title

    Here are mine. Left to right:

    Very heavy brass, unknown maker, it was a gift. The wood is from a Bulleit Bourbon Barrel. It has a Parker Gel in blue.

    Chilton Stylewriter, fine point, filled with Parker Quink in blue.

    Schrade Tactical Defense Pen. Combination fountain pen and roller ball. Fine point and is filled with Noodler's Purple Wampum. The ballpoint convertor is a Pilot G2 in blue.

    Lamy Safari, medium point, filled with Noodler's Purple Wampum.

  8. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    Here are my currently inked pens:


    Pitralon forever - Real pens have a nib - If it doesn't tick, it's not a watch.
    gorgo2, wristwatchb, dbersh and 3 others like this.
  9. dbersh

    dbersh Well-Known Member

    I’ve fallen into another rabbit hole it appears. I just ordered 2 pilot metropolitans. 1 black with medium nib and a silver with fine NIB.
    I should have the black one this week and the silver one next week.
    Now to research inks and papers.
    I’ve been looking into this hobby for a while and after receiving a non refillable passport size journal for Christmas. I am now entering a whole new world I am not familiar with at all. I do know I want a refillable type journal, possibly a Midori.
    The journal was for me to take notes on my other hobby, pipes and tobacco. I have over 50 pipes and 100 different baccy’s. Some baccy is only a tin or two and out of production, others I have pounds of.
    Some baccy smokes “better” in certain pipes and I have haphazardly made notes here and there but not all in one journal.

    I can already foresee AD occurring here.
    Troy M and barbersurgeon like this.
  10. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    Pics when your pens arrive please!
    dbersh likes this.
  11. dbersh

    dbersh Well-Known Member

    Will do!
    Sara-s likes this.
  12. dbersh

    dbersh Well-Known Member

    First batch of supplies have arrived. Both pens are Pilots. Black Medium NIB and Silver is a fine NIB.
    Notebook and journal and an elementary school lined workbook to work on my terrible penmanship.
    Will try to take better photos of the pens later.
    gorgo2, wristwatchb, lradke and 5 others like this.
  13. lradke

    lradke and doggone it, people like me

    I've got a few.

    ~ My fat black Jinhao 159 - it writes alright, about as good as you'd expect from it's price tag.
    ~ Baoer 79 (Starwalker) - it's scratchy and works amazing!
    ~ Ivory Jinhao X750 - it is super smooth and I love it! Though the nib is a bit thick, I like finer lines.
    ~ Sailor Professional Gear Silver - 21k gold fine nib (bicolor with rhodium). I got it on a steal (less than half it's price) as it was purchased then returned without being it was sold as 'used'. This baby is silky smooth! I love it!!

    (Bad photo...I know :/ )[​IMG]

    Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
  14. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    I also have a Sailor pen with a gold nib. They write well!
  15. jar

    jar Well-Known Member

    A few nice Sheaffer's.







    brit, gorgo2, wristwatchb and 3 others like this.
  16. swarden43

    swarden43 "It's your shave. Enjoy it your way."©

  17. DaveO

    DaveO Active Member

    I don't remember whatever happened to my Bic Banana!
    gorgo2 likes this.
  18. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    Somebody monkeyed around with it?
    CarlfromMO, gorgo2 and wristwatchb like this.
  19. DaveO

    DaveO Active Member

    This is the majority of my pens, which are a mixture of fountain pens, ballpoints, rollers and mechanical pencils. My most interesting one is the multi colored one on the right in the second picture it is made from the penile bone of a walrus. The file is too large. I will have to post it to another site and then post the URL.

    [​IMG]DSC_3673 by DaveOl1, on Flickr
    [​IMG]DSC_3674 by DaveOl1, on Flickr
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2018
    gorgo2 and wristwatchb like this.
  20. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    The good news is that I found my Persona again; it had rolled under the passenger seat in my wife's car ... the bad news is that it earned a battle scar during it's stay down there :(


    Pitralon forever - Real pens have a nib - If it doesn't tick, it's not a watch.
    gorgo2, Dzia Dzia and wristwatchb like this.

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