Shower or Shave (SOS) April 23 - 29

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by rick, Apr 23, 2007.

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  1. Stauff

    Stauff Inspeicktor

    Yet another glorious tabac shave: :cool:

    Tabac Soap
    PM pure Badger
    Merkur HD
    Derby Extra
    Tabac AS
    Harris AS milk

    Tabac EdC
    awk-m4 likes this.
  2. Smedley

    Smedley New Member

    Saturday, Sunday

    No shaving! Tomorrow will be a fine day for whisker removal.
  3. rick

    rick I'll make ya SCream!

    this AM....

    Omega Elegant 6212 Silvertip
    Slim + Feather [#2S (4p+TU)]
    MamaBear BayRum Cream
    Michelsons BayRum AS Splash
    RNB BayRum AS Spritz + Ems BayRum ASB
    RNB BayRum w/ a Squeeeeeze EdT
    b4 work....
    Quick Shower
    RNB AS w/ essence of Vetiver
    RNB Vetiver ASB
    Guerlain vetiver EdT
    awk-m4 likes this.
  4. Scorpio

    Scorpio Big Hitter

    Hot shower and towel
    AOS Best
    Palmolive Red Cream
    W&B 7/8 Barber Notch Wedge...Test shave after honing for a friend
    Proraso ASB
    Pinaud Clubman

    Great shave but a 7/8 is too big for me specially in a wedge.

    awk-m4 likes this.
  5. qhsdoitall

    qhsdoitall Wilbur

    Had a Bay Rum day I see.
    awk-m4 likes this.
  6. johnniegold

    johnniegold New Member

    in the shower:

    Clubman Shampoo
    C&E Sandalwood soap

    at the sink:

    '53 Gillette SS/7 a.m (1)
    SR 3226
    Tabac s/s
    warm water rinse
    touch up with disposable Gillette
    cold water splash
    Thayers Lavender w/h
    Tabac a/s
    Tabac deo
    Tabac edc
    Troy M and awk-m4 like this.
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