Shulton Corp

Discussion in 'General Shaving Talk' started by jbcohen, May 5, 2009.

  1. jbcohen

    jbcohen New Member

    Here is what I have been told about Shulton Corp, please correct me if I am wrong as well as please fill in the blanks that I have left, this is all I know about Shulton Corp, or at least I think I know:

    Shulton Corp started off the Old Spice brand name, I have no idea how long ago. Sometime in the past the company sold Old Spice to Proctor and Gamble Corp but still makes the product themselves.

    What I have no idea of is how long ago did Shulton start making Old Spice. When did Shulton sell the brand name to Proctor and Gamble and did Shulton sell only the US operations to Proctor and Gamble and keep making the product themselves in India? There is obviously a lot here I do not know.
  2. wchnu

    wchnu Duck Season!

  3. Bronco

    Bronco Mac Daddy

    The first Old Spice product, a fragrance called Early American Old Spice for women, was introduced in 1937, closely followed by Old Spice for men in 1938. The Old Spice products were manufactured by the Shulton Company that was founded in 1934 by William Lightfoot Schultz.

    The earliest of the men's products were dominated by shaving soap and aftershave lotion. When Old Spice was introduced, Schultz developed a colonial framework for those products and chose a nautical theme for Old Spice. Thus, sailing ships, in particular colonial sailing ships, were used as a trademark. The original ships used on the packaging were the Grand Turk and the Friendship. Other ships used on Old Spice packaging include the Wesley, Salem, Birmingham and Hamilton. A picture of one of these ships, drawn by impressionist painter Jairus Bellamy, is on display at New York City's Museum of Modern Art.[citation needed]

    Procter & Gamble purchased Old Spice from the Shulton Company in June 1990. The clipper ship was replaced by the Sailboat/Yacht logo in the fragrance bottles in February 1992. In the late 2000s, P&G introduced many forms of deodorant sticks, body washes, and body sprays in several scents under the Old Spice brand.

    In early 2008, the original Old Spice Scent was repackaged as "Classic Scent," both in the After Shave and Cologne versions. Both products were reintroduced in plastic bottles in lieu of the original traditional white glass bottles, with the stoppers in the top of the product red instead of gray. It is also available in shower gel; using the phrase "The original. If your grandfather hadn't worn it, you wouldn't exist"
  4. Will

    Will Nevermind

    The original. If your grandfather hadn't worn it, you wouldn't exist.

    How true.
  5. jbcohen

    jbcohen New Member

    Does Shulton still make Old Spice in India? Some people have told me that they do.
  6. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Yes, they do.
  7. jbcohen

    jbcohen New Member

    Tanx this is all of the information that I was looking for.
  8. Michael

    Michael Duke of Kent

    It ain't the same stuff. The scent's not even close to the original. I found a look alike bottle of grocery store branded A/S a while back. Same color plastic bottle, called "Spice". About 3 bucks. Smelled a damn site more like OS than anything sold today.
  9. jbcohen

    jbcohen New Member

    Hmm, interesting opinion Michael.
  10. Michael

    Michael Duke of Kent

    Occasionally, I have interesting opinions. I have a bottle of the Indian "original" scent, the "Spice" I mentioned and a real original that's over 20 years old. Believe me, the Indian product is a far cry from the other two.
  11. RocketMan

    RocketMan Active Member

    Boy Bronco. Is that all you could come up with??? :happy102:happy102

    That was great! THanx!
  12. wchnu

    wchnu Duck Season!

    That $1.50 a bottle Family Dollar stuff is actually quite good. I use it a good bit.but don't quote me on that one.:ashamed001
  13. beyboo

    beyboo New Member

    Attached Files:

  14. RocketMan

    RocketMan Active Member

    Tried this stuff in the Walmart the other day. Put on a little too much I guess, I could barely even get in the car with myself. PHewwww!!! :scared007
  15. wchnu

    wchnu Duck Season!

    I never there was a expiration date.. I see that it is best used with in 36 months.

    Would not mind a bottle of that.. is there anywhere in the US to get it?
  16. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea

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  17. sol92258

    sol92258 I have no earthly idea

  18. Shaver X

    Shaver X Well-Known Member

    Wouldn't the scent change over the course of 20 years? I thought aftershaves and colognes had a shelf life after the bottle was opened.
  19. beyboo

    beyboo New Member

    I think I will buy a box of one of these babies and let it sit in a nice "wine cellar" environment for 36 months and 20 years to see if the fragrance ages for the better. Will let you know what I find ;)
  20. jbcohen

    jbcohen New Member

    Excellent question shaver X, can someone else please illuminate the issue.

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