Skin Bracer by Mennen

Discussion in 'Preshave and Aftershave' started by Wells1229, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Wells1229

    Wells1229 Active Member

    Tried Skin Bracer today and wanted to share my thoughts. This was one of those aftershaves that smelled differently in the bottle, on application, and afterwards. For me anyways. When I opened the bottle, it smelled mildly of menthol and an odd fragrance I haven't smelled before. Kind of a classic scent. When I splashed it on, it gave me more of a classic Listerine smell with an old barbershop scent. The menthol was surprising as it came after a few seconds of application. It was more cooling than Aqua Velva surprisingly and it felt rather nice. If you are one of the frozen face lovers, this one should be on your "To Try List". Now after about 30 minutes, the scent has faded to a sweet, manly scent that I actually have found to love. I wasn't sure that I liked the scent at the beginning, but the after effects have made me decide to keep it on rotation.
    178-bplatoon and PatrickA51 like this.
  2. 178-bplatoon

    178-bplatoon Well-Known Member

    Good for you Wells...If you find you like the Mennen, you may want to give the Barbasol "Brisk" a shot...It's smells very much like "Skin Bracer",but different also it's easy to find locally and cheaper which is what honestly led me to give it a try...:)
  3. HolyRollah

    HolyRollah BaconLord

    Skin Bracer was the first aftershave I ever tried. My dad had a few bottles of the green stuff in his cabinet and so I'd splash some on, post-shower. It stung like liquid fire! Now granted, it was 1970 & I was only 10—so maybe I was a bit young for the 'Thanks, I Needed That!" ™ smack of Skin Bracer. When I did start wet-shaving (a few years later), I used Skin bracer.
  4. Wawmd

    Wawmd Member

    I used skin bracer in college. My wife says it smells too much like her dad and it weirds her out for me to smell like him. Seems reasonable.
  5. Littlemax

    Littlemax Member

    Good Stuff. Used it as a young man and during my time in the military.
  6. PatrickA51

    PatrickA51 Well-Known Member

    I have used Mennen Skin Bracer off and on for many years. I like the smell of it I have a bottle of it in the Glass bottle, that was my Father-in-Laws. I was at the CVS the other day and they sell a re-branded with their name on it, but it seems to smell different.
  7. Hairy Alaskan

    Hairy Alaskan eww da toilet

    I've always liked the blue version and my wife likes it too which is a plus. Hard to find nowadays.
  8. Wells1229

    Wells1229 Active Member

    I'd like to try the blue version. Any idea on where to find it these days?
  9. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    I have the green version and I love it. It's very cooling and soothing.
  10. Hairy Alaskan

    Hairy Alaskan eww da toilet

    I was going to recommend in my original post but they don't carry it anymore. My understanding is that it was discontinued a while ago but there are still a few places that have it. I don't know of a good supply now.
  11. deckard313

    deckard313 Member

    Slap Slap....Thanks I needed that! Loved that commercial.....still use Skin Bracer....started using it in theArmy....still use it.
  12. Mr. Shaverman

    Mr. Shaverman Well-Known Member

    Last night at the grocery store I smelled these, Brut, and a couple of other 'classic' aftershaves. Since I've wandered down the Pinaud/Clubman path, I was wondering how I'd take to these scents after years of not smelling them. Still not for me. I'll try again in a couple of years.
  13. Kilgore Trout

    Kilgore Trout The Smart Bunny

  14. stingraysrock

    stingraysrock PIF'd away his custom title

    Ditto. I found a case of it on an auction site and bought it all up. Blue SB smells a bit like Speick to me.
  15. BroonsBane

    BroonsBane Member

    For $2.99 a bottle you can't go wrong.
    crackstar likes this.
  16. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Really? You find it smells like Speick? :)
  17. thevez2

    thevez2 uses Gillette's new Tarantula Razor - 8 blades!!

    I love Skin Bracer, it is one of my favorites. I'm not good at picking out scent notes, but I smell a lot of vanilla in it. My kids also said they smelled vanilla when they sniffed it.
    Wells1229 likes this.
  18. Ryan B

    Ryan B Knight of the Soapocracy

    I like Skin Bracer. It's a classic American scent. My girlfriend hates it and says it smells like an old man.

    I like Clubman, Lucky Tiger, Aqua Velva, and Skin Bracer.
    GeneRector and crackstar like this.
  19. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Same taste as Dodi!
    GeneRector and Ryan B like this.
  20. Ryan B

    Ryan B Knight of the Soapocracy

    I think my generation needs to be more in touch with our history and roots. Using a classic aftershave is a small part of that, but those scents are American scents and should live on.

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