So many questions for Mr Krabs

Discussion in 'Clean Jokes' started by Angelo85, Oct 25, 2019.

  1. Angelo85

    Angelo85 Well-Known Member

    9720B5DE-0006-46B3-AFB2-97FB00F43333.jpeg I have a few questions for Mr Krabs. Why the devil would you shave with a straight razor while driving? Do you use your seatbelt as a strop? How does a penny pincher like you spend the kind of money for a Kamisori? Lastly why are you shaving with your eyes closed with a straight razor at throat level?
  2. Slipperyjoe

    Slipperyjoe Rusty Metal Tetanus

    Yep..looks like the cats are finally developing the technique for the Vulcan mind meld..:smiley respect:
    Cat spockhold.png
    Frijolero and Angelo85 like this.

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