Tuesday: Merkur HD Saville Row 3124 Saint Charles Shave Soap - New Spice Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel Nivea Soothing After Shave Balm Saint Charles Shave EDT - New Spice
Tuesday John Friedman's Blond Highlight Shampoo (Cleaning out under sink) Muller Lane Farm Soap Nivea Sensitive Skin Facial Wash No Name Badger Brush Merkur/Super + Proraso Red WTG/XTG/XTG/ATG cleanup Proraso P/P Thayer's Lavender Witch Hazel Holding off on ASB to see how much I need during day.
Gillette Slim adjustable w/IP C&E Best Badger MB Fleur De Soul SS alum Aqua Velva GFT Coral Skin Food
Merkur 1904/ UK Wilkinson Sword Blade Sabini 22mm Faux Horn in Black Badger Marble Hill Minty Sea Weed Shave and Shampoo Soap Alum Block GFT Coral Skinfood L'Occitane Vetyver EDT
b4 bed.... B&B Finest Ebony brush Gold Merkur Slant + Feather [#3S(3P+TU)] Tabac soap RNB Tabac AS Spritz RNB ASB Tabac EdC
Tuesday: Taylor's P373 Mini brush Honeybee Oakmoss soap Gillette Aristocrat TTO with Derby Extra blade Trumper's Coral Skin Food Nice close shave today. I also just went for a haircut this morning, so I really feel clean-cut!
wasnt going to shave ....but couldnt resist. Gillette No66 / Supermax blade. (India) Proraso pre on face Muhle SBadger. Ingram that hurt today real COLD a/s Davidoff a/s Balsem Davidoff Coolwater. Eau Du Tsar .
Tuesday: Omega brush Dovo Bismarck De Vergulde Hand shaving bowl (woo-hoooooooo!) Lubriderm unscented moisturizer Anherb a/shave gel De Vergulde Hand a/shave spray oh, man! I just LOVE the scent of that De Vergulde Hand stuff--it's delectable! :drool :drool Jeff
Tuesday evening Hot shower SR 3124 '61 Fatboy w/ Derby Extra blade (Day 4) Proraso Pre/Post Trumper's Coconut Oil cream :love029 Alum QED DaVinci Water DR Harris Sandalwood A/S splash Anherb A/S Gel Yowza yowza yowza. First time with both the Proraso Pre/Post and the Trumper's Coconut. The Trumper's was easily the quickest lather I've ever generated... seemed to explode right out of the bowl!!! Don't you just love it when you shake out JUST the right amount of water, and your water:cream ratio is spot-on from the beginning? It doesn't happen very often (for me) but when it does, what a shave! I can tell the Proraso Pre/Post will make all the soaps and creams I use be extra-extra cooling between passes... and it probably takes away from the scent of most of them.... but I like it nonetheless so far. Will probably relegate it to a summertime only kind of thing...
b4 work..... quick shower Alloy ASB by Melaleuca Knize Ten Edt (1 spray only !) Brylcreem and some hair spray.....
Simple. The camera is on a tripod. I press the shutter button with my left hand* while I create small waves with my right hand. What is important here is exposure time. If it is too long, the water will be uniformly blurry/foamy; it if is too quick, you’ll freeze the movement. Here the shutter speed was 0.625s. * you can also use a remote control or the self-timer Thank you! I'm pleased you're pleased!
Hot shower and towel Proraso Pre SR 208 Taylor's Rose Shumate 4/8 Square Tip Proraso ASB Endymion EDT Happy Valentines!! Raf
Wednesday: Merkur HD w/ Derby SR3124 AOS Cream - Sandalwood MB Winter Aftershave - Cucumber Kiehl's No. 1 Musk EDT First time using the AOS sandalwood and it didn't disappoint. Wonderful smell and, as usual, performance.