Monday AM Shave Warm Water +++ Dr. Hauschka Cleanser (as a preshave application) Hot Towel Warm Water +++ Crabtree & Evelyn Best Badger Brush Roundtip Straight on the cheeks - horn scales Gillette '59 Fatboy Softi Double Edge (Italy) Shower Oregon Soap Company Patchouli Soap - face De Vergulde Hand Bath Soap drool:drool Like washing with a block of moisturizing lotion :happy088 Finish Cold Water Weleda Shaving Lotion Cold Water Witch Hazel Spray Weleda Aftershave Balm Aubrey Organics Pine Needle Deodorant Spray ARAMIS Cologne Spray
Mrs. Mottern's SoS Slant /w Feather Avalon Organics Lavender Shave Cream Avalon Organics Lavender Lotion She cut herself but loved the shave, looks like I need to buy more Feathers and a new Slant. :rofl
Good show, buddy. I finally got my gal roped in. She's using: Kiss my Face Limes Shave Cream (w/out brush) Gillette Slim Razor SHARP v2 Double Edge
What took you so long to rope her? I got 100 sharps for my wife now she loves the feathers, GEEZ WTT Sharps for Feathers
Apparently she and your wife waited out the "is-it-a-phase?" period before gaining any interest in what you guys were into.
Monday night Proraso Pre 25mm Shavemac Silvertip Horn Mitchells Wool Fat Soap / Penhaligons Blenheim Bouquet cream 3" TM Honey Brown Strop 8/8 Henckels Friodur Spike Alum Thayers Lavender WH Nivea ASB Penhaligons Blenheim Bouquet EDT Great Shave
Tuesday morning, 5.40 a.m.: 23c / Feather Hi Stainless SCS badger brush Proraso pre OLIVIA's Rolling Stone shaving soap Pinaud Clubman A/S (sample) Bruno Banani "Time To Play" EdT This Feather in the LH Classic isn't that good as in the Futur... Nevertheless a smooth shave, some little bloody spots at the neck area but okay!!
TUESDAY moderator-introduction-luxury-shave-program SHAVE: Gillette NDC SS Derby MP best badger Trumper CSF/PRE Floris JF SS :drool alum Dominica Bay Rum Pre de Provence ASB FACE Some Dermalogica Sheer Tint Moisture cream HAIR Yardley English Lavender Brilliantine SCENT Floris JF EdT A great shave and a great scent, now I'm ready for the day (have a presentation to do at university)
Tuesday AM Hot shower Proraso Pre-Post at end of shower B&B Finest Ebony '63 Fatboy w/ corked Feather blade (Day 5) QED Frankincense and Myrrh Soap Warm water rinse Cold water rinse DR Harris Sandalwood A/S Splash Cold water rinse QED Texas Cedarwood A/S Skin Conditioner + Mama Bear's Menthol A/S Milk + Anherb A/S Gel Creed Silver Mountain Water EdT
after shower at the sink: '68 Gillette Slim/7a.m (2) Simpson Duke 2 Proraso pre post Trumper Limes s/s warm water rinse touch up with disposable Gillette cold water splash Thayers Lavender w/h 4711 a/s Trumper Limes edt
Tuesday: Omega brush Parker 22R/7 am day 2 Musgo Real shaving cream :drool :drool Lubriderm unscented moisturizer Aramis stick deodorant Aramis edt spray I have to start using the Musgo more often--it's terrific stuff! :drool :drool :drool
Merkur Slant /SHARPs V2 Crabtree and Evelen Super Secret Best Badger Brush Tryphon Mentholo Shaving Soap (sample from Duder) Osage Rub :drool (The Crystal Meth of Menthol) Fist impression of the Tryphon soap, not bad, not bad at all. Make it more competitive price wise and I would buy it.
Tuesday Simspsons Chubby 2 Best M. Jung 80 5/8 Square Taylors St. James Cream Tabac Aftershave Lotion Tabac Eau de Cologne
Yep... it's got the menthol kick, no doubt about it. That Osage Rub is the bee's knees, ain't it? :drool
Tuesday 19th Still on travelling feet! Gillette Flared Tip Superspeed Derby Extra Muehle Custom TravelBrush SilverTip Muehle Ocean Ss Floid AS
I didn't know koalas had juices. :shocked002 :sick007 Welp, I'll take your word for it. People have been telling me for months now that I need a haircut.
2007-06-19 Shower Bar Soap: Nancy Boy Signature Bar Soap Shampoo: Avalon Organics Lemon Clarifying Shampoo w/Shea Butter Conditioner: Avalon Organics Lemon Clarifying Conditioner w/Shea Butter Facial Wash: Nivea Sensitive Skin Facial Wash Body Oil: Burt's Bees Dr. Burt's Vitamin E Body & Bath Oil Deodorant: Burt's Bees Herbal Deodorant Shave Razor: Merkur 700 Satin Futur Double Edged Adjustable Safety Razor Shaving Blades: 7am Platinum Double Edged Razor Blades Shaving Brush: Crabtree & Evelyn Edwin Jagger Made Brass & Faux Ebony Best Badger Shave Brush Shaving Bowl: Petco 4" Stainless Steel Pet Water Bowl Shaving Cream: eShave White Tea Shave Cream (as pre-lather) Shaving Cream: Musgo Real Crème Para Barbear Shave Cream :happy088 Technique: WTG/45XTG/45XTG Cleanup Post-Shave Facial Toner: Thayer's Original Witch Hazel & Aloe Toner Aftershave: Nancy Boy Signature Aftershave Gel Cologne: Saint Charles Shave LLC SCS Blend 2-11 Eau De Toilette Result: 4.5/5.0 Nice shave today. Went with the Futur. Always have to remember to adjust the angle with this razor. Someone sent me a sample of the Musgo Real to try out. It has a nice clean scent and it shaves well. It rinses off great. I would consider it a good middle level cream for me.
Tuesday Omega Boar Euro Palmolive cream 40s Aristo/Exact Witch hazel Makler "Magic Nights" AS Body Shop Razor Relief ASB Azzaro Vetiver EDT The Euro Palmolive is very nice, very nice indeed.
Tuesday Col. Conk Bay Rum soap Taylor of Old Bond Street mini brush Kaufmann 5/8 round point cool water splash only (no need for witch hazel today) Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum a/s A few laps on the green pasted paddle and this Kaufmann razor is SUPER sharp! Great shave with zero irritation today.