SOS--Feb. 16-22

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by crackstar, Feb 16, 2009.

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  1. Infotech

    Infotech Active Member


    Merkur Slant
    Gillette Platinum
    Rooney 3, 1
    Pre de Provence soap
    Max Refreshing Aftershave w/Menthol splash
    Saint Charles Shave Lavender milk

    This was my first shave with the slant.

    My first impression is pretty good. I think it mowed through a couple of trouble spots quicker than the same blade in an HD and my sideburns might feel a little smoother. The splash I used has a pretty high alchohol content and it lets me know if I was too rough and it spoke to me a little bit this morning, but it wasn't too bad. I debated using a feather but decided to use my regular blade for a more direct comparison and think that was the right choice. I'll try the feather when this blade is done.

    So far, so good.
  2. magic

    magic New Member


    Muhle R41(2009' new model)
    boar brush(unknown brand)
    TSD Sweetgrass Soap
    Fruit Of The Earth Aloe
    Pinaud Clubman Bay Rum

    This is one of the best razors I have ever used. 3 pass shave as smooth as silk. It doesn't get any better.
  3. wchnu

    wchnu Duck Season!

    Sat Morning

    Ever Ready Vintage Badger
    Wars Cream
    1908 Superior SE
    Treet day 4

    Nice shave this morning.. veddy nice.

  4. After the usual 1-2 minute hot towel prep:

    Shavemac 22mm silvertip
    J Peterman 1903 SC
    Lucky Tiger AS
    Ava Luxe 'Shisa' EdP

    Another very nice shave using this cream, even though I missed the sweet spot this morning. Little too much water, but the stuff still worked fine. The scent has turned into one I quite enjoy, rather than just 'pretty good'.

    Oh, I had something happen today that was a first. I'm on my third pass (ATG), and starting on my chin. This is after I've done my neck. Everything was fine till then and, what's that feeling? It's like the fatboy's been set on about 8 or 9 instead of my usual #3. The difference was amazing, and it happened right away.

    Of course, I knew pretty quickly what to look for, and sure enough.........the doors had loosened up. No idea how that happened, but I tightened em back down again and that took care of things. Weird eh?

    Anyway, my face is smooth, and I smell ok also.......heh.
  5. otherstar

    otherstar Rodney Dangerfield of TSD


    Razor: Merkur HD
    Blade: Derby Extra (5)
    Soap: VDH Glycerin
    Post: Thayer's Witch Hazel with Aloe
    A/S: Polo A/S
  6. Kingpepper

    Kingpepper Active Member

    C&E BBB
    Proraso SC

    Head shave:
    Gillette Tech with IP 1st pass, Super Max 2nd pass
    Proraso Pre/Post

    Face shave:
    Merkur Slant with Super Max
    Pinaud Vegatal AS

  7. Poulin

    Poulin New Member

    Edwin Jagger 11HP37 / Geo. F. Trumper Sandalwood Shaving Soap
    Edwin Jagger DE89L / Derby
    Laboratoires OSMA Pierre D'Alun
    Geo. F. Trumper Spanish Leather Aftershave
  8. D.irving79

    D.irving79 Gemocrat


    1921 valet auto strop
    gem blade, modified
    williams soap
    ever ready badger hair brush, white and black bakelite handle

    dickinsons witch hazel

    pinaud clubman special reserve

    10 rounds on strop

    awful shave.
  9. burnWood

    burnWood Mizzou Fan, YMMV

    Saturday February 21, 2009 11:30am

    Brush: BBE
    Blade: Red IP
    Razor: 68 Slim Adj. 9/2
    Soap: Mama Bear's Lime Oil shave stick
    AS Splash: SCS Med. Citrus
    AS Balm: SCS Avocado Oil
    Cologne: Aqua Di Gio (gift from Valentine's Day)
  10. 1969Fatboy

    1969Fatboy New Member

    Kent BK4
    7 oclock black in a slim adjust
    MEM SC
    Osage Rub AS

    Damn it was much better than yesterday.
  11. sachin

    sachin Member

    SOTD February 21, 2009

  12. rodd

    rodd Knotty Boy

    TV Rocket
    7 O'clock Sharp Edge
    Knotty Badger Best *not pictured*
    Connaught Lime
    GFT Lime Skin Food
  13. Truckman

    Truckman New Member

    Saturday 2/21

    • Penchetta Penworks Silvertip
    • De Vergulde Hand SS
    • Slim (4)
    • KAI (2)
    • Thayer's Alcohol Free Original
    • Alt Innsbruck

    Result: Good shave. Noticed a considerable difference in the KAI blade between day one and day two. Could be the change between the Godrej cream yesterday and the DVH soap today maybe? Still a good shave, and I'm going to use the KAI for day 3 tomorrow, maybe with a LaToja cream.
  14. MTgrayling

    MTgrayling Rocket Man

    Razor: gold LD Rocket
    Blade: vintage Personna 74 day 3
    Brush: re knotted Fuller
    Lather: L'Occitane Cade soap
    A/S: C&E Sienna

  15. Empty Words

    Empty Words New Member

    Dubl Duck Special No. 1
    B&B LE
    Mitchell's Wool Fat
    Proraso AS
    Institut Karité ASB

    Attached Files:

  16. Sailinblues

    Sailinblues Well-Known Member

    Rooney 3/2 Super
    D.R. Harris Arlington SS
    Fat Boy w/ Astra Superior Platinum
    Humphreys Witch Hazel
    Cliven "Young" AS
    Marc Jacobs EDT
    Have a great night!
  17. alabamalawyer

    alabamalawyer Member

    Dovo "Red Soligen" 5/8 / Penhaligon's Endymion SC / Duke 3 Best​

    Lucido Splash / Lucido Balm / Trumpers Spanish Leather​

  18. woodsrider

    woodsrider New Member

    Saturday afternoon:

    Merkur Progress / Swedish Gillette blade
    Simpson Tulip 2
    Truefitt & Hill hard soap
    D.R. Harris Pink AS; TSD Unscented Milk
    Creed Private Collection Tabarome
  19. Duckster

    Duckster Wabbit Season!


    Razor: Gillette Slim
    Blade: Red-Pack Personna
    Brush: Tweezerman
    Cream: Wars
    A/S: Stephan Alpine Menthol
  20. wchnu

    wchnu Duck Season!

    Sunday Morning

    Razor: 1908 Superior SE
    Blade: Treet day 5
    Brush: Vintage Ever Ready Badger
    Cream: Noxzema
    A/S: Old Spice Original

    Noxzema is a great cream.. the Treet performed well even on day 5. Nice DFS to start Sunday with.

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