SoS Jan 5 - 11

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by rick, Jan 4, 2009.

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  1. D.irving79

    D.irving79 Gemocrat


    1924 ever ready
    gem blade
    williams soap
    ever roddy badger hair brush, black and green bakelite handle

    dickinsons witch hazel

    pinaud clubman special reserve
  2. Kingpepper

    Kingpepper Active Member

    Friday Morning shave of face:
    C&E BBB
    Merkur Slant Bar with Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Stainless
    Boots SC
    Avon Black Suede AS & EDC

    Tonight's head shave:
    C&E BBB
    Customed handled Gillette Tech with IP
    Arko Commando SC
    Avon Triumph ASC

  3. Poulin

    Poulin New Member

    sul filo del rasoio Glycerin Cleansing Bar by Proraso
    Proraso Eucalyptus Shaving Cream / Semogue 750-I
    Edwin Jagger DE89L / Gillette "Swede"
    sul filo del rasoio Razor Burn Burn Repair by Proraso
    sul filo del rasoio Protective After Shave Cream by Proraso
  4. ThePossum

    ThePossum Member

    Friday 1/9 . . .

    • [*]Prep: Rite Aid Skin Cleansing Cream & Hot Towel
      [*]Brush: Knotty Badger refurbished with silvertip Every Ready 300
      [*]Soap: MWF
      [*]Razor: '48 Gillette Super Speed
      [*]Blade: Treet Classic Dura Sharp coated (shave 2)
      [*]Oil Pass: Leisureguy's Last-Pass Shave Oil
      [*]A/S: Thayer's Rose Petal Witch Hazel Toner & Nivea Extra Soothing ASB
      [*]EDT: 4711 Cologne

      [*]Result: Nice and smooth BBS shave. Did nick myself at each corner of my mouth on the first pass. Didn't have the razor tightened down the whole way. Dummy me. I am amazed with the MWF. For me it lathers so easily and makes a rich and slick lather. It would be my favorite soap if it had more of a scent. Still I look forward to using it.
  5. Truckman

    Truckman New Member

    Showoff. :D

    Saturday 1/10/09:

    Prep: Shower/OCM
    Brush: Penchetta Penworks Silvertip
    Cream: Wars
    Razor: 1965 Gillette "Slim" Adjustable
    Blade: Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum (black) - day 3
    After: Thayer's Alcohol Free Original Witch Hazel/TSD AS Milk 4711 Type

    Result: Very nice shave, irritation and stubble free.
  6. magic

    magic New Member


    All Metal Trac 11
    Personna Blade
    Omega Boar Brush
    Pirates Cove Lime Soap
    Thayers Rose Witch Hazel
    Aqua Velva Classic Ice Blue After Shave

    Excellent for a colder morning (for Florida) high 40s
  7. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Saturday:--a new cream

    Omega Silvertip
    Lord Super/7 AM day 1
    Dalan Eucalyptus/Menta S/C
    Lubriderm unscented moisturizer
    Tabiano A/S gel
    Chabrawichi 555 cologne

    This Dalan is another Turkish cream, but it has nothing to do with Arko--it comes from a different company. Good lather, smells nice, and pretty good skincare as well. I had a very nice shave this morning, and it felt good to use my Lord razor! ;) :D
  8. Poulin

    Poulin New Member

    saturday shave

    Up most of the night working.... I hope I get to nap today!

    today's shave: the new line of products by Proraso and my Edwin Jagger DE89L / Gillette "Swede"

    Attached Files:

  9. Larry T

    Larry T Member

    SOTD January 10, 2009

    Gillette Rocket
    Polsilver Stainless blade, day 2
    Omega Boar brush
    Proraso Ultra Sensitive Skin shave soap
    Thayer's witch hazel with aloe
    Proraso AS balm


    A much better shave today. Yesterday's experiment with the disposable DE left my face a little ragged. The Rocket is a great shaver.

  10. mercV12

    mercV12 Member

    Futur / Swede / Fuller brush / DVG Hand SS / Old Spice AS
  11. poppi

    poppi Well-Known Member

    Saturday: Parker 91r razor / Sharp Stainless blade d1 / Boreal 322 boar brush / Erasmic SS / Florida Water Cologne / Wesley & Scott's Lime Aftershave Balm.

    Need to break in the Boreal brush a bit more. As for the Erasmic SS....not overly impressed with the first use, hope it gets better.
  12. superbleu

    superbleu Active Member

    PAL injector /pella blade day 3
    Institute Karite soap
    Rooney Stubby 1
    Alt Innsbruck AS splash.

    Great shave for a lazy Saturday morning.
  13. burnWood

    burnWood Mizzou Fan, YMMV

    Saturday January 10,2009 11:30am

    Brush: B&B Essential
    Blade: Yellow 7 o'clock
    Razor: 68 Slim Adj. 9/1
    Cream: TSD Pink Grapefruit
    AS Splash: Proraso
    AS Milk: TSD Peach
    Cologne: TSD Crystal Blue
  14. Duckster

    Duckster Wabbit Season!

    Razor: Gillette Slim
    Blade: Red-Pack Personna
    Brush: Tweezerman
    Soap: VDH Select
    A/S: Skin Bracer
  15. sachin

    sachin Member

  16. sachin

    sachin Member

    SOTD January 10, 2008

    TGQ Sandalwood SS | C&E BBB | W&B 11/16 Full Hollow | C&E Post Shave Relief

    Attached Files:

  17. woodsrider

    woodsrider New Member

    Saturday late afternoon:

    Gillette 1958 TV razor / Gillette Swede blade
    Plisson 16 HMW
    Plisson Shave Cream
    D.R. Harris Pink; Gentlemen's Refinery AS Balm
    Floris Vetiver EdT
  18. D.irving79

    D.irving79 Gemocrat


    1917 gillette old type
    swedish gillette (7)
    arko moist
    ever ready pure badger brush, black bakelite/clear lucite handle

    dickinsons witch hazel
    pinaud clubman virgin island bay rum

    halston catalyst
  19. Sailinblues

    Sailinblues Well-Known Member

    Commodore X3
    MWF SS
    Slant w/ Feather
    Humphreys Witch Hazel
    Anherb AS Conditioner
    Have a great night!
  20. bbsupersport

    bbsupersport New Member

    Saturday pm

    '57 Gillette SS
    Feather ( 2 )
    Fendrihan Silvertip
    Moss Scuttle
    TOBS St. James S/C
    Clubman Pinaud Special Reserve AS/C

    A before dinner shave. Only the second time using the Special Reserve aftershave/cologne. It has a strong scent, didn't like it the first time I tried it a couple of months ago, so I used just a light splash this time and got a more favourable reaction from the Missus and liked it better myself!
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