SoS Jan 5 - 11

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by rick, Jan 4, 2009.

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  1. Poulin

    Poulin New Member

    Institut Karité SC + SS / Semogue 750-I
    Edwin Jagger DE89L / Gillette "Swede"
    Laboratoires OSMA pierre d'alun
    Institut Karité Aftershave Balm

    I enjoyed the "superlather-ish" luxury today with the two Institut Karité products on my brush together. Needless to say, my face feels soft and moisturized today.

  2. ThePossum

    ThePossum Member

    Sunday 1/11 . . .

    • [*]Prep: Rite Aid Skin Cleansing Cream & Hot Towel
      [*]Brush: Ever Ready 300 refurbished by Knotty Badger with silvertip knot
      [*]Cream: SCS Smoke & Beads
      [*]Razor: 1911 Elite GEM Jr. Lather Catcher head
      [*]Blade: Ted Pella PTFE coated (shave 1)
      [*]Oil Pass: Leisureguy's Last-Pass Shave Oil
      [*]A/S: Thayer's Rose Petal Witch Hazel Toner & SCS Savory Rose ASM
      [*]EDT: SCS Smoke & Beads EDT

      [*]Result: Super smooth BBS shave this morning. The Smoke & Beads is my favorite scent among all my creams & soaps as well as my EDT products. Took the 1911 Elite GEM Jr for another ride today find it is my favorite SE razor. Just one weeper today but it cleaned up quickly and neatly.
  3. superbleu

    superbleu Active Member

    Sunday 1 11 2009

    Pre/during shave Blenheim Bouquet SS
    Brush Rooney Heritage Stubby 1
    Razor Milord
    Blade 7 o'clock sharp edge day 1
    Thayers WH
    Eshave unscented AS balm
    Blenheim Bouquet EdT.
  4. woodsrider

    woodsrider New Member


    EJ Faux Horn Chatsworth / Derby blade
    Rooney Horn
    Mitchell's Wool Fat shaving soap
    Bourbon Parfums EdC; Nivea Sensitive AS Balm
    Creed Cuir de Russie
  5. Sailinblues

    Sailinblues Well-Known Member

    Rooney 1/2 Super
    Crabtree & Evelyn Sierra SC
    NDC Superspeed w/ Gillette 7 O'clock Sharpedge
    Humphreys Witch Hazel
    Cliven "Young" AS splash
    Cliven "Young" ASB
    Have a great night!
  6. Gillette_Man

    Gillette_Man New Member

    Lime Fest

    Rocket HD
    Rooney 1/2 Super
    Col Conk/KMF Lime Super-Lather
    Lemon Witch Hazel
    Limes Skin Food
  7. Churchill

    Churchill New Member


    Razor: Wilkinson "Sticky"
    Blade: NOS LB Wilkinson
    Brush: Simpson PJ2 Super
    Cream: Floris No.89
    A/S: TSD Neroli a/s milk
    Edt: Floris No.89
  8. razorsedge

    razorsedge New Member

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