SoS: January 30th, 2012 ~ February 5th, 2012

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by IAmTheJody, Jan 29, 2012.

  1. madmedic

    madmedic Resistance Is Futile

    Friday 3rd Fedruary

    Hot shower and facial scrub
    Timor Hamburg Ring 5/8 / Ford &Medley 333 5/8
    Rooney 1/1 in Super
    Vitos Green Soap
    Alum Block and Proraso Liquid cream ASB
    Fixegoiste Crash AS

    My post night duty shave which was DFS+. Why the two razors?????? Things did not go as smoothly as I would have hoped. I started with my newly honed Timor. Bruno had already told me that he had problems with the blade and he reported that the test shave was substandard. He was of the opinion that the razor did not use high quality steel. I think that I can now confirm this to be so. I shaved one side of my face and changed to the Sheffield steel. I should have carried out a little more research before pulling the trigger. A good shave .....but not the way I would have liked
  2. Neolithium

    Neolithium I am Canadian, eh

    Face Wash
    Merkur 38C + Astra SP
    Omega Mighty Midget
    Proraso White
    Cold Water Rinse + Old Spice Classic A/S

    Beautiful BBS with my 38C, first time I've used it in a while, seems like she'll serve me perfectly during the field ex next week.
  3. du212

    du212 Well-Known Member

    Henckels 17 1/2 :: Simpson KH3 :: Floris Elite SC :: Floris Elite ASB :: Floris Elite EdT

  4. fatkid

    fatkid Well-Known Member

    Whats the smell like with the RR bologna?
    alpla444 likes this.
  5. CyanideMetal

    CyanideMetal Wild and crazy guy

    Arrrgh..I'm not good at describing scents. To me it smells floral. It smells very good though.
  6. southernscribbler

    southernscribbler Well-Known Member

    Hot shower
    Slim adjustable slammed to 9
    brand new Derby blade
    Ever Ready boar brush
    VDH soap and Dalan green label cream for a super lather

    3 passes and not a respectable whisker remaining. Jovan Musk a/s shave. Ahh life is good!
  7. scott wein

    scott wein Well-Known Member

    2-3 shave.jpg

    Woke up on time today and even though I shaved late yesterday I wanted a fresh shave. And this is exactly why I added my Merkur 11 C. Something milder then my Slant but with some degree of aggression. So how did it turn out?

    EBC pre shave, pif'd after this shave as a fresh one arrived
    Omega 80005
    Merkur 11 C
    Gillette 7 o'clock yellow
    Humphrey's Witch Hazel
    Bourbon Vanilla Milk
    Aqua Velva Ice Blue

    The razor performed smoothly and without hitch, even on a very recently and closely shaved face.

    I don't think it's fair to call it a BBS, as I had a BBS 12 hours before. But I'm smooth, no bite, no irritation.

    Until tomorrow.
    fishcrow, MRast01, otherstar and 14 others like this.
  8. Dslazar9

    Dslazar9 Took the Menthol-cratic Oath

    Gillette New long tooth
    Astra blade
    Rudy Vey vintage restore
    Godrej menthol mist
    Ahava as balm
    Still in Utah -it's awfully pretty here in the mountains

    Attached Files:

  9. byrd

    byrd Well-Known Member

    Friday night Shave:


    Omega Boar
    Tabac (oh how I have missed it)
    Whipped Dog Scuttle
    R41 with Astra SP
    Acca Kappa Cedro AS

    Been a couple days since my last shave. I have been waiting on this all day. Well worth it.
  10. dinatali

    dinatali Well-Known Member

    Hot Shower with Pears Face Wash
    Merkur 45C Bakelite
    Treet Blade
    Vulfix 404 Mix
    SWK XL Scuttle
    C&E NOMAD Cream
    Nivea Cool
    Nivea Balm

  11. Jamie Mahoney

    Jamie Mahoney Well-Known Member

    Botanics face scrub
    Feather AS - D1
    Feather Blade 1
    Le Tuft Chubby 1.5 in Lignum Vitae
    Mitchells Woolfat
    Alum + Witch Hazel
    TOBS Sandalwood Balm
    Botanics moisturiser SPF 15
    Coty Raw Vanilla Eau De Cologne


    Two pass shave perfect. very cold this morning starting to snow, about to take the Dog for a stroll around the local park.

  12. CyanideMetal

    CyanideMetal Wild and crazy guy

    One of my favorite Jamie pics. Especially like your brush:cool:
    ajdhn, macaronus, PanChango and 2 others like this.
  13. marcel

    marcel Well-Known Member

    Gillette Aristocrat #16
    Iridium super
    Semogue Caravela
    Pre de Provence
    Speick AS and Weleda ASB
  14. Jamie Mahoney

    Jamie Mahoney Well-Known Member

    Thanks Randy, made by a good friend and super brush maker over on the TSR UK forum Bill AKA Beejay, if you are looking to have a custom brush made to your own personal specifications, any knot including Simpsons, or handle material even a restore you want with a new knot, you really wont beat Bill for quality or craftsmanship. The brush i'm using in the photo, as a Lignum Vitae handle made from a old bowling ball, with a small solid silver disc with my initial on it, the knot is 26mm with a 48.5mm loft a two band finest, it's a super allround performer.

    Regards Jamie
  15. Jeltz

    Jeltz Well-Known Member


    Kukri 4/8
    Culmak soap
    Vie Long Brush
    Pashana Original AS


    scott wein, Asd, fishcrow and 15 others like this.
  16. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD


    Omega Wooden Handle
    Super Speed/7 AM day 2
    Solo Menthol SC :love029: :love029: :love029: :smiley freezing:
    Arko Aqua AS Gel :love029: :love029: :smiley freezing: :smiley freezing:
    Obsession For Men EDT

    It's been a long time since I've used this Solo Menthol cream, so I started a new tube (my last one) this morning. I love the rich lather and that nice sporty/minty scent, and even though the menthol effect is relatively mild, it's still there. The Arko Aqua gel is really cooling - it's fabulous stuff! ;) :D

    product_818_pic_big.jpg aquagel.jpg
    dinatali, scott wein, Asd and 14 others like this.
  17. fatkid

    fatkid Well-Known Member

    Saturday,February 4, 2012
    I really wish the weather around here could make up its mind. I mean REALLY? Yesterday 65 degress and sunny, this morning I wake up to the ground covered by SNOW!

    hot shower
    proraso green tub
    omega brush
    feather as-d1
    astra blade
    cold water rinse

    1 pass ATG nice and quick DFS++. This is where the feather shines for me! I'm getting the hang of it (I think).....The wierd thing is, I can shave my head with the feather and get a BBS shave out of it. So head shaving is teaching me how to shave my face with it.
    Asd, fishcrow, CyanideMetal and 12 others like this.
  18. DLreno

    DLreno Well-Known Member

    Saturday, February 4

    EJ DE86
    Gillette Silver Blue (d1)
    L'Occitane Cade
    Ever Ready Boar 100T
    Lucky Tiger Aspen
    Herbissimo Mountain Juniper Edt

    Result: 4.8 blades. First shave with the Gillette Silver Blue. Seemed sharp, smooth and forgiving. Will take more shaves to fully access it.
  19. PanChango

    PanChango Not Cute

    Barbasol Razor
    Polsilver (1)
    Semogue OC Boar
    Klar Kabinett (with M-bomb)
    Superior 70 Bay Rum

    Excellent shave this morning.

    It was the first time I used a Polsilver (thanks Hanzo). It seemed to pair well with the Barbasol razor.

    It was also nice to take my time and whip up a nice mug of Klar Kabinett today.

    I really like the shave and it was even better with a healthy dose of M-bomb.
    Asd, Everett, fishcrow and 10 others like this.
  20. wknicholas

    wknicholas Well-Known Member

    Saturday morning, February 4, 2012

    Schick I2 Hydro-magic w/ Schick blade (3)
    Omega 20107 boar bristle brush,
    MWF shaving soap w/ warm water lather,
    finish w/ cold water rinse for a DFS!

    MWF I2 11.JPG
    Asd, fishcrow, CyanideMetal and 10 others like this.

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