SoS Nov 17 - 23

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by crackstar, Nov 17, 2008.

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  1. magic

    magic New Member


    Dorco ST-301 day 4
    Omega chrome handle boar
    VDH deluxe soap
    Thayers rose witch hazel
    Aqua Velva classic after shave

    Nothing beats a Slant:happy102
  2. Pokerstar

    Pokerstar New Member


    Hot SHower
    Hot Towel
    American Crew Pre-Shave Oil
    Speick Shave Cream
    Art of Shaving Badger Shave Brush
    Gillette Gold 3-piece
    Dorco ST-301 (5th Shave)
    Aveeda After Shave Balm
  3. Infotech

    Infotech Active Member

    NDC Gillette Super Speed
    Gillette 7 O'clock Sharp Edge
    Rooney 3, 1
    Geo F. Trumper Coconut cream
    Booster's Lilac splash
    SCS Coconut milk

    Faced with using a new 7 O'clock that arrived in the mail or pushing my Swede to the 6th shave I chose the 7 O'clock. This will be my last shave for 3 days as me and the boy head off to Webelos Woods camp during the coldest weather of the year.. :happy070 We're looking at lows in the 30's! In Texas where we like it hot ;)

    The new blade delivered a great shave.
  4. D.irving79

    D.irving79 Gemocrat


    1915 gillette old type, bulldog handle
    swedish gillette
    glycerine soap
    ever ready pure badger brush, stubby black bakelite "vase" handle

    dickinsons witch hazel
    listerine as a/s

    polo sport

    shave #25


    the swedish gillette seems to do better in the bulldog. the head/cap is flatter than the normal old types.
  5. Books

    Books Active Member

    Monster Dirty Bird Scuttle
    Proraso Pre Shave
    Merkur HD
    Treet Classic
    T&H Grafton
    C&E SBB
    Aqua Velva
    Home made ASB
  6. ThePossum

    ThePossum Member

    Friday 11/21 . . .

    • [*]Prep: Rite Aid Skin Cleansing Cream & Hot Towel
      [*]Brush: Knotty Badger refurbished Every Ready 300 Silvertip
      [*]Cream: TSD Sweetgrass
      [*]Razor: '41 Gillette Ranger Tech
      [*]Blade: Polsilver Stainless (shave 8)
      [*]Oil Pass: Leisureguy's Last-Pass Shave Oil
      [*]A/S: Thayer's Lavender Witch Hazel Toner & Nivea Sensitive ASB
      [*]EDT: SCS Very V

      [*]Result: No blood, not even a weeper as I managed a BBS shave. I found the Ranger Tech to be a great change of pace today. Been using open comb Gillettes, various GEMs and even a Stahly. The shave was sooooo comfortable and smooth. Love the cinnamon scent of the TSD Sweetgrass. Queen JoAnna has created a gem here. And St Sue has produced an EDT in the SCS Very V that rates better than all but her Smoke & Beads in my opinion.
  7. D.irving79

    D.irving79 Gemocrat


  8. bbsupersport

    bbsupersport New Member

    Friday am

    Merkur Progress
    Israeli Personna (2)
    Fendrihan Silvertip
    Bonnyman "Moss" Scuttle
    Floris Elite S/C
    Aqua Velva Musk A/S
  9. Queen of Blades

    Queen of Blades Mistress of Mischief Staff Member

    Moderator Supporting Vendor
    Nope, that's violet. :p
  10. D.irving79

    D.irving79 Gemocrat

    youre violet.
  11. Queen of Blades

    Queen of Blades Mistress of Mischief Staff Member

    Moderator Supporting Vendor
    awww.........that's so sweet. :p :happy102
  12. apswartz

    apswartz New Member

    On one blade? :eek:
  13. D.irving79

    D.irving79 Gemocrat

    see ????????

    oh, you dont know of my magical swede tour. yep, today was shave #25 on the blade. glad i bought 70.
  14. woodsrider

    woodsrider New Member


    Merkur Futur / Swedish Gillette blade
    Rooney Heritage Victorian
    Truefitt & Hill Rose cream
    DR Harris: Pink & Milk
    Czech & Speake No. 88
  15. DragonBoy

    DragonBoy Team Player

    Friday 21st

    Merkur Progress Gold
    TGS Best Badger
    Mama Bear Sandalwood Rose Shaving Soap

    Skin Bracer AS
    C&E Sienna EdT
  16. apswartz

    apswartz New Member


    Treet Starline with Lords #1
    leftover pucks grated together / VDH Boar Hair Brush
    Dickinson's WH and homemade Skin Food.
  17. Sailinblues

    Sailinblues Well-Known Member

    Shavemac 25mm Ebony / Nickel Silvertip
    C&E Sienna SS / C&E Sienna SC
    Gillette New Standard w/ Polsilver
    Humphreys Witch Hazel
    Arko "Cool" After Shave Cream
    Dunhill for Men EDT
    Have a great night!
  18. rodd

    rodd Knotty Boy

    Almost forgot to post today.

    This Vintage Merkur
    Gillette 7 O'clock Sharp Edge (yellow) day 6!
    Knotty Badger Silvertip
    Lider Active
    TSD Subzero ASM
  19. crackstar

    crackstar Israeli Ambassador to TSD


    Omega Silvertip
    Weishi Chrome/Zorrick day 2
    Godrej Deluxe S/C :drool :drool :drool
    Nivea Replenishing A/S balm
    Drakkar Noir EDT

    good and smooth, and smelling great! This Godrej cream makes me smell like I went to the barbershop--I really love the scent, and the lather is terrific. ;) :D
  20. D.irving79

    D.irving79 Gemocrat


    1912 gem ("roman column" handle)
    gem blade
    honeybee oatmeal milk & honey soap
    ever ready boar hair brush, black bakelite/clear lucite handle

    dickinsons witch hazel
    old spice leather

    penhaligons english fern

    i find for me this a/s goes well with either the english fern or the blenheim bouquet. and thats the straight shootin.
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