SOS: September 2018

Discussion in 'Shower or Shave of the Day' started by Boojum1, Aug 31, 2018.

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  1. PLAla

    PLAla Bit Shy of a Full Puck

    Thanks, Joseph! I'm honored.
  2. shaveman

    shaveman Well-Known Member

    Yaqi DLC DOC OC Razor
    Personna USA Stainless Blade
    Fine L'Orange Noir Shave Cream
    Simpson Commodore X2 Best
    Nivea Men Creme Balm
    Blue Aqua Velva
  3. jtspartan

    jtspartan appropriately stimulated, via Netflix

    SEptember 21st SOTD
    Schick E3 w Personna (1)
    Stirling Coniferous SS
    30DC LE
  4. Yehuda D

    Yehuda D Israeli Ambassador to TSD

    Frigid Friday:

    Stirling Mentholated Pre-Shave Soap
    Razorock Plissoft 26mm Monster
    Super Speed/Shark day 6
    Bundubeard Kameelperd’s Kick SS
    Prep ASB
    Fine Snake Bite AS Splash
    Aramis EDT

    My goodness, what a brilliant three pass BBS work of art this was, and so easily. This Kameelperd soap is so cold that it can definitely pass as a “coffee scented Glacial soap.” The lather works up rich and fast, the menthol starts to pulverize you right away, and the skincare is also pretty good. My man Jaco, the owner of Bundubeard in Pretoria, South Africa knew what he was talking about when he told me about this soap. The Prep balm felt so nice and soothing with its own cooling effect, and the Snake Bite froze me to smithereens!
  5. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    Friday, September 21
    Yardley Black Label~~Declaration Grooming B5~~1908 Gillette OT~~Personna 74 (3)
    Have a great day!
  6. lindyhopper66

    lindyhopper66 Well-Known Member

    Dovo Best Class 55 Fritz Bracht
    Yaqi Synthetic Brush
    Barrister & Mann Latha Shaving Soap
    Vitos Pre/Post Shave
    Booster Mosswood After Shave Lotion

  7. Boru62

    Boru62 Well-Known Member

    Pre: Warm water splash
    Brush: Semogue 1470 Boar
    Soap: Cyril R. Salter Tallow
    Razor: E-R Sun Ray
    Blade: Pal Super CS
    Post: Warm then cold water rinse, Jovan Musk ASL
    I'm not convinced with the Jovan Musk, maybe it'll grow on me.
    Happy Shaving one and all.
  8. Linuxguile

    Linuxguile dating an unusual aristocrat

    SOTD Stirling September 21st
    SEptember detour #2

    Stirling Mentholated Pre-Shave Soap
    RazoRock Game Changer .84mm
    Gillette 7 O'Clock Permasharp Stainless(2)
    Yaqi Red Marble Tuxedo (28mm, Destroyer Class)
    Stirling Vanilla Sandalwood
    Drydock Lather Bowl
    Jeeves of Hudson Street 'Blood on Steel'
  9. jmudrick

    jmudrick Type A Man

    Souplex Double Six Minor with Ikon cap. The Ikon cap makes small changes to blade gap and angle, I think for the better. The short guard span side of the 66 makes this a mini Timeless Bronze. Perfect balance with the aluminum bomber handle. Very effective combination. [​IMG][​IMG]
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2018
  10. celestino

    celestino Friendly Neighborhood Wetshaver

    The one in my photo from yesterday was from 2013 from a very limited batch which were excellent. Unfortunately, it is shedding. I haven't tried one of their knots since then and I wouldn't be able to comment on what their recent offerings are like.
    I apologize. :)
  11. blondblue

    blondblue Well-Known Member

    Here's the plan for Saturday, 9/22:

    prep-Nivea 4 Men Bodywash(Energy)in shower
    shave-Rise Super Foam
    razor-Gillette Sensor Deuce Pivot + Disposeable
    A.S. Stoylin Sandpiper w/Menthol.

    SHAVEWIZARD420 Well-Known Member


    Ballenclaugh is one of my favorite artisans, everything you would look for in a quality shave soap. Scent of Honey Tobacco is unique (like most B&C scents) and is a dirty sweet scent that reminds me of the country. Lather was excellent, did touch ups with just residual leftovers.


    Soap Smooth is another underrated artisan IMO. This formula uses Kyvas water which is something different. This F&M is one of the best interpretations i have come across. The A/S is strong and has good longevity, can see all the EO in the bottom so needs a good shake first. Managed a decent shave with no nicks or drama.

    Prep: pre shave soap mix
    Razor: injector
    Blade: Ted Pella
    Brush: Yaqi 26mm synthetic
    Soap: Razorock Tuscan Oud
    Post: Cool Water Balm

    Surprisingly decent shave this morning. The scent of Tuscan Oud is awesome, the whole bathroom filled with that great sweet scent. Lather was no trouble, and managed to get a very good shave. Finished off with Cool Water balm.

    Attached Files:

  13. Dansco

    Dansco Well-Known Member


    Similar set up tonight but went with my Wosty straight. Good shave but I need to get back in the groove with straight... too little recent practice left me with a small cut under my chin. silly boy.
  14. brit

    brit in a box

    very cool brush...
    clint64 likes this.
  15. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    Tonight's shave was with a well respected razor, that bits back, now and again. I had a beautifully smooth 2 pass shave, until I saw a trickle of blood down the cheek. The tip got me again. This razor did give me a BDBS shave, along with a small cut. Damn sharp razor, especially the tip, to the point of being scary.

    Razor- "Respect 4". Best Silver Steel. Extra Hollow Ground. Germany.
    Brush- Omega 10098, Boar.
    Soap- Arko/Sandalwood
    Aftershave- Shulton Old Spice "Burley". Very Very Manly scented. But, not overdone.


    Last edited: Sep 21, 2018
  16. MacDaDad

    MacDaDad Well-Known Member

    It says so right there on the horn .. RESPECT .. I can still smell the scent of Burley as my Dad left for work. Always Old Spice, sometimes Burley / Lime / Musk / Original but always Old Spice. I would love to attempt a straight but I fear I'd cut my throat at my age. ;)
  17. Primotenore

    Primotenore missed opera tunity

    Article Team
    I don't think you mean "Avon".
  18. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    Good catch, now it's corrected. I was talking and typing at the same time. I use Avon Spicy, quite a bit, so I blame it on muscle memory.
  19. DaltonGang

    DaltonGang Ol' Itchy Whiskers

    Never too old to try. As long as your hands are steady, and you dont use a Spiked Tip, you should be fine.
  20. Nicked

    Nicked Well-Known Member

    Well... I picked up a Scotch and Stowe SS Fatty handle (many feel it is an MR3 clone with a matte finish) as I wanted something subdued to go with the Maggard Razors V3A head that works quite well for me (only offered in a black chrome finish), I recently ordered a soap from WCS and saw there 110S handle and it sounded right for my tastes...
    Hybrid Maggard V3A head WSC 110S handle / Treet Platinum Super Stainless Steel / Semogue 2018 TSN Boar SE / Wholly Kaw King of Oud
    oh and the Snow Peak Ti ensamble complete... Thanks to Triton Chicago for the travel blade case!
    Ps. The WCS 110S handle is noW my reference handle for a BAT, hefty!
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2018
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