Star Trek (etc.)

Discussion in 'The Chatterbox' started by chazt, Apr 12, 2024.

  1. Enrico

    Enrico Popcorn

    Don't judge .... my brother and I would watch this....... Star Blazers.

    the beginning of annoying Japanese anima.

    Over 40 years later and I still have that song stuck in my head.

    chazt likes this.
  2. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    Tdmsu, Enrico and Sara-s like this.
  3. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

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  4. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    Sara, I’m always impressed when people remember that one. It seems to be one of the more obscure kids programs of the era.

    I can’t believe I just referred to my childhood as a bygone era.
    Sara-s likes this.
  5. chazt

    chazt Methuselah Shaver

    Enrico, this is a first for me. I was completely unaware of this one.
    Enrico likes this.
  6. Enrico

    Enrico Popcorn

    Kind of reminded me of the book "The Ayes of Texas" by Daniel Da Cruz in a strange way.

    chazt likes this.
  7. Paul Turner

    Paul Turner outside the quote(s) now

    Who knew that a man captaining a spaceship would go on to do ads about calling 911?
    chazt and Enrico like this.
  8. Enrico

    Enrico Popcorn

    In my opinion the worse episode .........Turnabout Intruder

    Tdmsu, chazt and Sara-s like this.
  9. Sara-s

    Sara-s This Pun for Hire

    For me, it's a tie between that one & "Spock's Brain"
    Enrico and chazt like this.
  10. Shaver X

    Shaver X Well-Known Member

    My fave is the original Star Trek series. Star Trek The Next Generation was good, too, once they replaced the writers with ones who did the excellent cast justice. Before then, it was tuning into Star Trek The Holodeck.

    Star Trek Deep Space Nine was also quite good, although I didn't watch it all that often. Star Trek Voyager was very well done, although I was working really long hours by that time and little time left over to watch TV .

    I found some of the later series to be somewhat juvenile, and have zero interest in them. The exception is Star Trek Picard, which seems pretty good. Im pretty much Star Treked out at this point, however, and have better things to do than watch TV
    chazt and Enrico like this.

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